Marcos Otero-garcia
Electrolytic lesion of the nucleus incertus retards extinction of auditory conditioned fear
Fear memory circuits in the brain function to allow animals and humans to recognize putative sources of danger and adopt an appropriate behavioral response; and research on animal models of fear have helped reveal the anatomical and neurochemical nature of these circuits. The nucleus (n.) incertus in the dorsal pontine tegmentum provides a strong GABAergic projection to forebrain ‘fear centers’ and is strongly activated by neurogenic stressors. In this study in adult male rats, we examined the effect of electrolytic lesions of n. incertus on different stages of the fear conditioning-extinction process and correlated the outcomes with anatomical data on the distribution of n. incertus-derive…
Distribution and targets of the relaxin-3 innervation of the septal area in the rat.
Neural tracing studies have revealed that the rat medial and lateral septum are targeted by ascending projections from the nucleus incertus, a population of tegmental GABA neurons. These neurons express the relaxin-family peptide, relaxin-3, and pharmacological modulation of relaxin-3 receptors in medial septum alters hippocampal theta rhythm and spatial memory. In an effort to better understand the basis of these interactions, we have characterized the distribution of relaxin-3 fibers/terminals in relation to different septal neuron populations identified using established protein markers. Dense relaxin-3 fiber plexuses were observed in regions of medial septum containing hippocampal-proje…
The amygdala is considered a key center in managing emotional information and its dysfunction is at the base of disorders ranging through anxiety, depression, PTSD and autism. However, the amygdala seems heterogeneous both structurally (with pallial and supallial components) and functionally. Thus, whereas cortical and thalamic multimodal sensory inputs enter the basolateral complex, the corticomedial amygdala is dominated by olfactory and vomeronasal inputs. Intrinsic amygdaloid circuitry, connects these two amygdaloid divisions and convey processed information to the main amygdala outputs. The pallial amygdala is the main source for telencephalic outputs to associative cortical areas (e.g…