Marco Bellomo
Dried-fruit shell reuse in green construction and building materials
Bio-architecture is a new way of designing and building in line with the European Green Deal and in light of the circular economy principles. This new green approach is guiding the entire construction life cycle toward eco-sustainability and environmental friendliness, from the beginning to the end of the building process. In addition to the use of environmentally-friendly and high-performance building and construction materials, it is necessary to use new technologies that can reduce the environmental footprint. This paper aims to examine the possible reuse of biological wastes of agricultural origin of the Mediterranean basin, whose massive production generates a number of problems for th…
Development of New Bio-based Materials Derived from Sicilian Agri-Food Industry Waste
La necessità di soluzioni di materiali da costruzione a base biologica e sostenibili è aumentata drammaticamente nell’ultimo ventennio. Questa ricerca esplora i possibili modi per riutilizzare materiale di scarto a base biologica (come i gusci della frutta secca), derivati dall'industria agroalimentare, per la produzione di nuovi materiali da costruzione sani in linea con i principi dell'economia circolare. L’analisi di alcuni casi di studio precedenti e le attuali ricerche dimostrato la possibilità di riutilizzare i gusci della frutta secca per la realizzazione di nuovi componenti edilizi. Le attuali tendenze mostrano che le resine sintetiche sono sempre più usati come legante per incollar…
Controlling Thermal Flows through Natural Materials in Building Construction Sector
Nowadays, the attention about the building sustainability is increasingly emerging, because of the major responsibility of the building field on the environmental degradation: both in terms of energy consumption from non-renewable sources and the raw materials impoverishment. In addition, the level of comfort required by users is growing and the thermal insulation of buildings becomes the key element for the reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions, both in the case of new construction and of the existing ones. The heat load of a building depends on the presence of insulating material which defines the performance of the building envelope. The main purpose of this work is both to i…
Architettura emergenziale: buone pratiche esecutive
This paper provides a comparative overview of different types of (temporary) shelters that have recently been used in various field locations in response to a forced displacement due to disastrous events. In particular, possible strategies useful to increase the sustainability of the humanitarian response and reduce the carbon footprint, while ensuring the adequacy and suitability of the shelters themselves, are here explored. This study investigates a systematic design framework that is often constrained by many obstacles such as the limited availability of low-cost materials, and a lack of local labour experience. To reduce the negative impact of a disaster, especially in the developing c…
Almond shell reuse: a viable non-conventional aggregate for sustainable building materials
Bio-based or green architecture is a new way of designing and building in line with the European Green Deal and in light of the Circular Economy principles. The main green approach directs the whole construction life cycle to be eco-sustainable and environmentally friendly from the beginning to the end of the building process. Beyond the use of eco sustainable and highly performing structural materials, new technologies able of reduce the environmental impact of buildings must be used. This paper is aimed at reviewing the possible reuse of bio- wastes of agricultural origin whose massive production generates a number of issues for their treatment and disposal. In particular, this study will…
La radiazione solare costituisce una fonte inesauribile di energia. Negli ultimi anni il mercato edilizio è stato invaso dall’applicazione di sistemi attivi (pannelli solari, etc...), non considerando le più valide alternative passive per il risparmio energetico. Oggi le mutate esigenze connesse all’evoluzione del concetto stesso di benessere ambientale richiedono una nuova coniugazione delle esperienze della tradizione costruttiva con le complessità dell’organizzazione tecnologica e i bisogni dell’utenza. La serra solare è un elemento architettonico complesso che consente un condizionamento sia invernale che estivo. Progettare sistemi passivi vetrati integrati con l’involucro permette al c…