Veron Zarate
Competitive effect of segetal plants and common weeds upon barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivated in mixture
Mesocosm evaluation of the competittive ability of common and segetal weed species against barley
In conventional cropping systems, arable weed species have always been considered undesirable because their presence can significantly reduce the yield and quality of the crop. Among the weed community, segetal weeds particularly inhabit winter cereal fields and are generally described as rare species (Jauzein, 1997). Following the observed decline in biodiversity in the field, there is a renewed interest in conserving segetal weeds as they represent an invaluable plant heritage as wild relatives of cultivated plants (Fried, 2020). The origin of the regression of these particular annual species is strongly linked to intensive agricultural practices (herbicides, fertilization) but also proba…