Lucie Watrin
Première alerte pour Yuka
International audience; Observations sous Tribunal de commerce de Versailles (ord. réf.), 5 mars 2020, n° 2020R32
Première victoire pour Yuka !
Observations sous Aix-en-Provence, ch. 3-1, 8 déc. 2022, no 2022/354 - Qualification de la décision : Importante
Scientific data
Scientific data is produced by experiment, and consists in a raw description of reality, upon which basis scientific theories are developped or confirmed. Upon assesment, interactions between this basic element of knowledge and the legal order can be observed in three stages. First, at the stage of data production. Although the control of this phase falls largely under the control of the scientific community, some legal rules are added to this control, in order to influence on the direction or on the conduct of the research. Second, at the stage of the use of scientific data, because once discovered, data is sometimes directly apprehended by the judge, the legislator or by some professional…
Première condamnation au fond pour Yuka
International audience; Observations sous Tribunal de commerce de Paris (1re ch.), 25 mai 2021, no 202100119 - Qualification de la décision : confirmation
Nouvelle condamnation pour l'application Yuka
Observations sous Tribunal de commerce d'Aix-en-Provence, 13 septembre 2021, no 2021-F004507 - Qualification de la décision : confirmation
La simplification de l’information du consommateur d’aliments
Caractérisation contestable de la direction de fait d'une association
International audience; Note sous Cour de cassation (com.), 8 janvier 2020, n° 18-20.270 (F-P+B), A. c/ D.