Annick Faurion

Taste receptors to L-glutamate

National audience

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Nonsynonymous SNPs in human tas1r1, tas1r3, mGluR1 and individual taste sensitivity to glutamate

 ; Nonsynonymous SNPs in human tas1r1, tas1r3, mGluR1 and individual taste sensitivity to glutamate. 31. annual meeting - Association for chemoreception sciences (AChemS)

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Meshing individual differences in taste sensitivity with genotype: cSNPs in candidate taste receptors for glutamate are necessary but not sufficient to explain specific ageusia

International audience

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International audience

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Tas1R1-Tas1R3 taste receptor variants in human fungiform papillae.

International audience; Monosodium glutamate as well as metabotropic and ionotropic glutamate receptor agonists have been reported to be perceived as umami by humans. In spite of the fact that Tas1R1-Tas1R3 has been shown to mediate most of the glutamate taste sensation in mice other candidate receptors have been put forward for which a clear role in detection is still lacking. This work was aimed at investigating the molecular determinants underlying umami taste detection in humans. First, we show evidence supporting expression of Tas1R1 and Tas1R3 but not mGluRs in the fungiform papillae of several individuals. Next, we report a number of naturally occurring l-glutamate taste receptor var…

research product

Non synonymous nucleotide polymorphisms in human taste receptors and individual taste sensitivity to glutamate

National audience

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Les récepteurs du goût

National audience

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Relation phénotype-génotype dans le cas de la sensibilité gustative au glutamate

National audience

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Phenotype genotype relationship in human taste

International audience

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