Jorge Villagrasa Guarch
The TurningPoint application as a transformational learning tool in educational processes
The educational convergence project driven by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has created new teaching methods and evaluation processes in university education systems. This new pedagogical approach generates an unquestionable opportunity for different segments of the university community see ICTs as an essential tool of the procedure of educational content development, which facilitate the teaching-learning process. This article presents the TurningPoint tool, which focuses on promoting teacher-student interactions, facilitating participation and ongoing assessment. This tool has advantages over other existing applications because of its variety of utilities and potential use. Mo…
Strategic responses of medium sized firms: The role of TMT’s perceptions and characteristics in decision making processes
Many decisions made by the organization’s top management team (hereafter called indifferently TMT or top management team) have a high likelihood of failure (Nutt, 1999). This situation might be shocking but indeed, it is much more common than one might think (Bloom et al., 2012). In fact, we can easily realize this reality when reading the current business press where we will probably be confronted with several cases of failures that have been caused by any type of TMT decisions. Of course, we will also see cases of success, exemplifying managers and recipes of good practices (e.g., Eide et al., 2016; Schrage, 2013); but these will be minor. Thus, as Bloom et al. (2012) state, the group of …
La aplicación TurningPoint como herramienta de aprendizaje transformacional en los procesos educativos
El proyecto de convergencia educativa impulsado por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) ha generado nuevas metodologías docentes y procesos de evaluación en los sistemas de educación universitarios. Este nuevo planteamiento pedagógico genera una incuestionable oportunidad para que los distintos segmentos de la comunidad universitaria vean en las TIC una herramienta fundamental para la elaboración de contenidos docentes que faciliten el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Este artículo presenta la herramienta TurningPoint, la cual se centra en favorecer la interacción docente-alumno, facilitando la participación y la evaluación continua. Esta herramienta presenta ventajas frente a otr…