Mario Scharfbillig

Heterogeneous Displacement Effects of Migrant Labor Supply – Quasi-Experimental Evidence From Germany

We provide estimates of the effect of migrant labor supply on resident employment. We exploit variation in the number of asylum seekers eligible to the suspension of a major hiring restriction implemented in a subset of German counties. Our difference-in-difference design allows us to provide evidence from a labor supply shock of migrants on local markets net of their additional spending at arrival that might mask labor market displacement effects. Despite this, we do not find a negative effect on employment growth of natives but only on other foreign residents. This also holds for unskilled employees. Therefore, our findings can be interpreted as the consequence of differential substitutab…

research product

Do local proxy advisors matter? – Evidence from Germany

Prior research documents that the large US-based proxy advisors, Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) and Glass Lewis (GL), play an important role as information intermediaries in corporate gov...

research product

Preference for Identification in the Field – Nudging Refugees’ Integration Effort

Social identity greatly affects behavior. However, less is known about individual’s investment into identification, i.e. into belonging to a social group. We design a field experiment that allows us to make effort as an investment into a new group identity salient. The social identity in our treatment is refugee’s identification with the host society. We modified a mailing to 5600 refugees who use an online language-learning platform to learn the host countries’ language. These treatment emails make salient that improving the host country’s language ability increases the belonging to the host society. Our analysis reveals that the treatment has a significant positive effect on the effort ex…

research product

Complementary Consumer Responsibility - The Limits to Immoral Delegation in Markets

Delegation has been shown to facilitate individual immoral behavior. It is however unclear, if these findings extend to markets, where consumers may punish firms who delegate immoral production decisions. I address this question by employing an experimental market paradigm, involving an unfair product, containing a negative externality, and a fair product without externality. Passive delegation of the production decision, with random matching between an owner and a seller, leads to a lower share of the fair product being traded, consistent with the findings on responsibility diffusion. Active delegation in contrast, where owners have a choice over sellers first, increases the share of the f…

research product

Exporting Corporate Governance: Do Foreign and Local Proxy Advisors Differ?

Prior research documents that the large US-based proxy advisors, Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) and Glass Lewis (GL), play an important role as information intermediaries in corporate governance worldwide. We provide initial evidence on the role of local proxy advisors, using the German setting. We analyse voting recommendations by local (IVOX) and foreign (ISS, GL) proxy advisors. First, we find that IVOX’s voting recommendations differ substantially from those of ISS and GL. Second, we observe that IVOX’s against-recommendations are significantly negatively associated with voting support. Third, we find that this association is particularly negative for voting outcomes at compan…

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