Elsa Tavernier
MOESM1 of Nephrotoxic drug burden among 1001 critically ill patients: impact on acute kidney injury
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Acute kidney injury (AKI) worsening cases and control matching. Table S1. Main characteristics of matched and unmatched patients. Table S2. Relative contribution individual drugs to the difference in nephrotoxic burden experienced by cases and controls.
Inhaled amikacin versus placebo to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia: the AMIKINHAL double-blind multicentre randomised controlled trial protocol
IntroductionPre-emptive inhaled antibiotics may be effective to reduce the occurrence of ventilator-associated pneumonia among critically ill patients. Meta-analysis of small sample size trials showed a favourable signal. Inhaled antibiotics are associated with a reduced emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. The aim of this trial is to evaluate the benefit of a 3-day course of inhaled antibiotics among patients undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation for more than 3 days on the occurrence of ventilator-associated pneumonia.Methods and analysisAcademic, investigator-initiated, parallel two group arms, double-blind, multicentre superiority randomised controlled trial. Patients invasi…
Nephrotoxic drug burden among 1001 critically ill patients: impact on acute kidney injury.
Abstract Background Nephrotoxic drug prescription may contribute to acute kidney injury (AKI) occurrence and worsening among critically ill patients and thus to associated morbidity and mortality. The objectives of this study were to describe nephrotoxic drug prescription in a large intensive-care unit cohort and, through a case–control study nested in the prospective cohort, to evaluate the link of nephrotoxic prescription burden with AKI. Results Six hundred and seventeen patients (62%) received at least one nephrotoxic drug, among which 303 (30%) received two or more. AKI was observed in 609 patients (61%). A total of 351 patients were considered as cases developing or worsening AKI a gi…