Ricardo Zarzuela
Self-induced spin-orbit torques in metallic ferromagnets
We present a phenomenological theory of spin-orbit torques in a metallic ferromagnet with spin-relaxing boundaries. The model is rooted in the coupled diffusion of charge and spin in the bulk of the ferromagnet, where we account for the anomalous Hall effects as well as the anisotropic magnetoresistance in the corresponding constitutive relations for both charge and spin sectors. The diffusion equations are supplemented with suitable boundary conditions reflecting the spin-sink capacity of the environment. In inversion-asymmetric heterostructures, the uncompensated spin accumulation exerts a dissipative torque on the order parameter, giving rise to a current-dependent linewidth in the ferro…
Dynamically stabilized spin superfluidity in frustrated magnets
We study the onset of spin superfluidity, namely coherent spin transport mediated by a topological spin texture, in frustrated exchange-dominated magnetic systems, engendered by an external magnetic field. We show that for typical device geometries used in nonlocal magnetotransport experiments, the magnetic field stabilizes a spin superflow against fluctuations, up to a critical current. For a given current, the critical field depends on the precessional frequency of the texture, which can be separately controlled. We contrast such dynamic stabilization of a spin superfluid to the conventional approaches based on topological stabilization.
Stability and dynamics of in-plane skyrmions in collinear ferromagnets
We study the emergence and dynamics of in-plane skyrmions in collinear ferromagnetic heterostructures. We present a minimal energy model for this class of magnetic textures, determine the crystal symmetries compatible with it and propose material candidates, based on symmetries only, for the observation of these topological solitons. We calculate exact solutions of the energy model for in-plane skyrmions in the absence of dipolar interactions at critical coupling, the latter defined by the relations $H = K$ and $D = \sqrt{AK}$ for the strength of the external magnetic field and the Dzyaloshinskii coupling constant, respectively, with $K$ and $A$ being the anisotropy constant and the exchang…