Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium and familial polyposis of the colon.
Inquiries to Manuel Diaz Llopis, M.D., Cl Cirilo Amoros No. 1 PTA 2, Valencia 46004, Spain. Familial polyposis of the colon is a dominant autosomal disorder that is characterized by hundreds and sometimes thousands of adenomatous polyps throughout the entire colon, which begin in adolescence. Virtually all pa tients with familial polyposis develop carcino ma of the colon by age 50 years. A total colectomy should be carried out early in adult life in affected persons. Because of the autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, an intensive sur vey of family members must be conducted. There is no phenotype biochemical abnormality or serologic marker that indicates whether a familial member will…