Raquel Marse Fabregat
Increased quality of life in patients with breakthrough cancer pain after individualized therapy: the CAVIDIOM study.
Cancer patients can experience flares of pain, called breakthrough pain (BTcP), despite treatment with painkillers. Although BTcP can be excruciating, its intensity and other characteristics depend on several factors, including its treatment. However, even if treated, BTcP can impair quality of life for cancer patients. We assessed quality of life in 118 patients with advanced cancer and BTcP treated in 13 medical oncology departments across Spain. We treated BTcP with individualized therapy, taking into account both pain-related and patient-related factors. We also measured quality of life using a specific, widely-used questionnaire at the study visits: at onset of individualized pain ther…
Final results of RENO study: Randomized phase II of oral vinorelbine or etoposide with cisplatin and chemo-radiation in stage III NSCLC. SLCG 10/02.
e20521Background: This study aims to compare efficacy and safety of two widely used combinations of cisplatin (P) in this setting: as etoposide (E) and vinorelbine. This last, in its oral formulati...