Victoria García
Testimonio y literatura. Algunas reflexiones y tres realizaciones en la narrativa argentina: Walsh, Urondo, Cortázar (1957-1974)
Resumen: El estudio de la relación entre testimonio yliteratura reviste la complejidad que conlleva lasiempre discutida definición de lo literario. En efecto,la discusión sobre qué había de ser la literatura, en unaAmérica Latina cuyo proceso revolucionario se veía enmarcha, posibilitó la institucionalización el testimoniocomo género literario en el comienzo de la década de1970. El presente artículo se inserta dentro de dichadiscusión, presentsando el fenómeno de la literaturatestimonial desde el punto de vista de susimplicaciones teóricas y mostrando los criteriosconceptuales que sustentan, en nuestro enfoque, laconstrucción de un corpus de literatura testimonial.De acuerdo a dichos criter…
Rodolfo Walsh en 'ese hombre': un escritor a diario, su memoria en los papeles
Resumen: Este articulo integra dos tipos de lectura critica de Ese hombre y otros papeles personales (Buenos Aires, 1996 y 2007), de Rodolfo Walsh, con edicion a cargo de Daniel Link. Considerando, primero, el diario del escritor que incluye, el libro describe, dentro del pathos caracteristico del genero, las imposibilidades y los fracasos de la escritura, que especifican historicamente los problemas de la relacion entre literatura y politica, propios del campo argentino de los anos ’60-’70. Las tensiones de la escritura y la vida, agudizadas cuando apremia la militancia, y expresadas en las disyuntivas de genero –basicamente, novela vs. testimonio- constituyen, en esa linea, un eje crucia…
Premio Testimonio de Casa de las Américas. Conversación cruzada con Jorge Fornet, Luisa Campuzano y Victoria García
Anexo con listado de jurados, premios y documentacion grafica del Archivo de Casa de las Americas.
Reading skills and children’s navigation strategies in hypertext
Prior research has identified two important navigation strategies that have a clear impact on hypertext comprehension: link selection and overview processing strategies. The first relate to the order in which students select hyperlinks while trying to comprehend a hypertext, whereas the second relate to when and for how long students process navigation overviews, a text device that conveys the text structure by displaying sections, titles and their relations. Most prior research in navigation strategies has been conducted with undergraduate students. We extend prior research by exploring the navigation strategies used by sixth-graders while reading a hypermedia system. We also investigate h…
Integrating digital documents by means of concept maps: testing an intervention program with eye-movements modelling examples
When using the Internet to learn about a curricular topic students face the challenge of not only understanding each single document, but also of integrating the ideas in a combined representation. Several intervention studies have tested instructional methods, such as building concept maps, aimed at teaching integration of multiple documents to Secondary education and older students. However, building a concept map may be demanding for learners and requires competencies to build maps in an appropriate way. In the current study we explore the extent to which such integration processes relying a concept map mapping instruction can be efficiently taught to 6th grade students. Specifically, we…
Scanning and deep processing of information in hypertext: an eye tracking and cued retrospective think-aloud study
When students solve problems on the Internet, they have to find a balance between quickly scanning large sections of information in web pages and deeply processing those that are relevant for the task. We studied how high school students articulate scanning and deeper processing of information while answering questions using a Wikipedia document, and how their reading comprehension skills and the question type interact with these processes. By analyzing retrospective think-aloud protocols and eye-tracking measures, we found that scanning of information led to poor hypertext comprehension, while deep processing of information produced better performance, especially in location questions. Thi…
Children's Reading of Printed Text and Hypertext with Navigation Overviews: The Role of Comprehension, Sustained Attention, and Visuo-Spatial Abilities
Hypertexts include new structural features, such as navigable graphical overviews, that dramatically change the way students interact with texts. Nevertheless, at school students traditionally practice literacy skills appropriate for reading and comprehending printed texts. We explored the possibility that those skills might not be the same as the ones required to master hypertext reading. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that hypertext structural features, such as navigable graphical overviews, might scaffold students with low comprehension and sustained-attention abilities, but demand higher involvement of visuo-spatial skills. Results from a group of 6th-grade students only partia…