E. Lehkonen
MOESM1 of The effect of buffer strip width and selective logging on streamside plant communities
Additional file 1: Table S1. Site information. Table S2. Vascular plant species found in the study. Table S3. Moss species found in the study.
The effect of buffer strip width and selective logging on streamside plant communities
Background Riparian forests surrounding streams host high biodiversity values, but are threatened by clear-cut logging. Narrow buffer strips of about 15 m are commonly left between the stream and the clear-cut, but studies suggest that the buffer width should be at least 30 m to protect riparian plant communities. Moreover, selective logging is often allowed on the buffer strips in order to increase economic gain. We used an experiment of 43 riparian sites where buffer strip width and selective logging within the strip were manipulated and supplemented with unlogged control sites. We report the short-term changes in the community composition of vascular plants and mosses near the stream (0–…