José Puzo
Consensus document of an expert group from the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis (SEA) on the clinical use of nuclear magnetic resonance to assess lipoprotein metabolism (Liposcale®)
The assessment and prevention of cardiovascular risk (CVR) that persists in patients with dyslipidaemia despite treatment and achievement of goals specific to the plasma concentration of cholesterol linked to low density (c-LDL) is a clinical challenge today, and suggests that conventional lipid biomarkers are insufficient for an accurate assessment of CVR. Apart from their lipid content, there are other lipid particle characteristics. The results of this study show that there are a number of lipoprotein compounds that determine atherogenic potential and its influence on the CVR. However, such additional characteristics cannot be analysed by the techniques commonly used in clinical laborato…
Documento de consenso de un grupo de expertos de la Sociedad Española de Arteriosclerosis (SEA) sobre el uso clínico de la resonancia magnética nuclear en el estudio del metabolismo lipoproteico (Liposcale)
Resumen La evaluacion y prevencion del riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) que persiste en los pacientes con dislipidemia a pesar del tratamiento y de haber alcanzado los objetivos especificos de la concentracion plasmatica de colesterol unido a lipoproteinas de baja densidad (c-LDL) es un reto clinico en la actualidad, y sugiere que los biomarcadores lipidicos convencionales resultan insuficientes para una evaluacion precisa del RCV. Mas alla de su contenido lipidico, existen otras caracteristicas propias de las particulas lipoproteicas que determinan su potencial aterogenico y su influencia en el RCV. Sin embargo, dichas caracteristicas adicionales no pueden ser analizadas por las tecnicas utiliz…
Estándares SEA 2019 para el control global del riesgo cardiovascular
One of the main goals of the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis is to contribute to a wider and greater knowledge of vascular disease, its prevention and treatment. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in our country and also lead to a high degree of disability and health expenditure. Arteriosclerosis is a multifactorial disease, this is why its prevention requires a global approach that takes into account the different risk factors with which it is associated. Thus, this document summarizes the current level of knowledge and integrates recommendations and procedures to be followed for patients with established cardiovascular disease or high vascular risk. Specifically, t…