Jürgen Ludwig
Galantamine is an allosterically potentiating ligand of neuronal nicotinic but not of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.
Galantamine (Reminyl), an approved treatment for Alzheimer's disease (AD), is a potent allosteric potentiating ligand (APL) of human alpha 3 beta 4, alpha 4 beta 2, and alpha 6 beta 4 nicotinic receptors (nAChRs), and of the chicken/mouse chimeric alpha 7/5-hydroxytryptamine3 receptor, as was shown by whole-cell patch-clamp studies of human embryonic kidney-293 cells stably expressing a single nAChR subtype. Galantamine potentiates agonist responses of the four nAChR subtypes studied in the same window of concentrations (i.e., 0.1-1 microM), which correlates with the cerebrospinal fluid concentration of the drug at the recommended daily dosage of 16 to 24 mg. At concentrations10 microM, gal…
Allosteric sensitization of nicotinic receptors by galantamine, a new treatment strategy for Alzheimer’s disease
Cholinesterase inhibitors are the only approved drug treatment for patients with mild to moderately severe Alzheimer's disease. Interestingly, the clinical potency of these drugs does not correlate well with their activity as cholinesterase inhibitors, nor is their action as short lived as would be expected from purely symptomatic treatment. A few cholinesterase inhibitors, including galantamine, produce beneficial effects even after drug treatment has been terminated. These effects assume modes of action other than mere esterase inhibition and are capable of inducing systemic changes. We have recently discovered a mechanism that could account, at least in part, for the above-mentioned unex…