Hervé Douville
La mousson africaine dans un modèle de circulation générale quasi-parfait
Le modèle de circulation générale ARPEGE-Climat du CNRM présente des biais secs relativement marqués en Afrique de l'Ouest pendant la mousson, même lorsqu'il est forcé par des termpératures de surface marine observées. Les précipitations sahéliennes restent très inférieures aux observations, en lien avec un flux de mousson de basse troposphère trop faible sur la bande guinéenne et l'océan Atlantique équatorial. On propose ici de guider le modèle ARPEGE-Climat vers les réanalyses ERA-40 en dehors d'une fenêtre comprenant l'Afrique de l'Ouest et le proche Atlantique (technique dite de nudging en point de grille). Ce protocole nous permet de: (i) analyser l'origine régionale ou de large échell…
Two-year global simulation of L-band brightness temperatures over land
International audience; This letter presents a synthetic L-band (1.4 GHz) multiangular brightness temperature dataset over land surfaces that was simulated at a half-degree resolution and at the global scale. The microwave emission of various land-covers (herbaceous and woody vegetation, frozen and unfrozen bare soil, snow, etc.) was computed using a simple model [L-band Microwave Emission of the Biosphere (L-MEB)] based on radiative transfer equations. The soil and vegetation characteristics needed to initialize the L-MEB model were derived from existing land-cover maps. Continuous simulations from a land-surface scheme for 1987 and 1988 provided time series of the main variables driving t…
West African Monsoon influence on the summer Euro-Atlantic circulation
International audience; The West African Monsoon (WAM) influence on the interannual variability of the summer atmospheric circulation over North Atlantic and Europe is investigated over the period 1971-2000. A set of sensitivity experiments performed through the Arpege-Climat atmospheric general circulation model is analyzed, using the so-called "grid-point nudging" technique, where the simulated atmospheric fields in the WAM region are relaxed towards the ERA40 reanalysis. Observations confirm that a sizable part of the Euro-Atlantic circulation variability is related to the WAM, with anomalies of reinforced convection in the Sudan-Sahel region associated with positive North Atlantic Oscil…