Javier Silvestre Rangil

Necrotizing periodontitis in the context of Takayasu s disease: report of a case

Necrotizing periodontitis is characterized by gingival necrosis with bleeding and pain, and alveolar bone attachment loss. The disease is associated to spirochete and Prevotella intermedia infection, as well as to a series of bacterial infections, with an altered local host immune response and tissue destruction. We present the case of a 40-year-old woman with inflammatory vasculitis of the aorta and its main branches, known as Takayasu’s disease. In the course of treatment of the latter, she developed necrotizing periodontitis. In this case local factors such as abundant bacterial plaque accumulation secondary to a lack of tooth brushing, and the administration of methotrexate, may have pl…

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Resting position of the head and malocclusion in a group of patients with cerebral palsyn

Cerebral palsy are found as a result of these disorders, along with associated neuromuscular functional alterations that affect the resting position of the head. In this context, the resting position of the head could be responsible for several skeletal and dental occlusal disorders among patients with cerebral palsy. Objective: To assess the presence of malocclusions in patients with cerebral palsy, define the most frequent types of malocclusions, and evaluate how the resting position of the head may be implicated in the development of such malocclusions. Study design: Forty-four patients aged between 12-55 years (18 males and 26 females) were studied. Occlusal conditions, the Dental Aesth…

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The Effectiveness of Laser-Assisted Surgical Excision of Leukoplakias and Hyperkeratosis of Oral Mucosa: A Case Series in A Group of Patients

Introduction: In the different branches of dentistry, the use of laser to solve different clinical situations is increasing due to numerous advantages that have been studied in literature since the 70s. Leucoplakia and hyperkeratosis can benefit from laser-assisted treatment. In most cases biopsy sampling, histological examination and, if no malignant cells are present, the follow-up is needed. However, even if the lesion is free of dysplasia patients often ask to eliminate these white spots that are always a cause of concern. Aim: From these numerous requests comes the idea of setting up a laser-assisted protocol as less invasive as possible to be offered to patients. The aim of the study …

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Manifestaciones orales del paciente con artritis reumatoide

La artritis reumatoide (AR) es una enfermedad sistémica crónica inflamatoria que se caracteriza por una reacción autoinmune que afecta de forma primaria a las articulaciones, y si permanece sin tratamiento puede comprometer la función de estas. Esta AR puede producir manifestaciones a nivel orofacial como afectación de la articulación temporomandibular, xerostomía, síndrome de Sjögren secundario con sus respectivas manifestaciones y periodontitis entre otras. En muchos estudios de la literatura se han identificado una posible relación entre la enfermedad periodontal (EP) y la AR, donde se ha visto que los pacientes con AR pueden tener una mayor incidencia de EP y viceversa. Asimismo, tambié…

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Cardiovascular disease versus periodontal disease: chronic systemic infection as a link

Objective : Analysis of the alleged connection between the periodontal and cardiovascular disease, with reference to periodontal pathogens as a risk factor for heart disease. Researching method : A research was carried out at Medline/Pubmed. Included criteria and researching strategy. The articles selection has been made taking into account key-terms appearing either in the title or in the summary. Experimental studies in animals, clinical prospective studies performed with a minimum sample size (>30) and studies written in English have been included. The rejected criteria were the following: clinical retrospective studies and/or studies carried out with a low sample size (n<30). Results : …

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Control de la movilidad en los pacientes especiales

Procedimientos para el control de movilidad de pacientes especiales en la clínica dental.

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Revisión Dental en un paciente autista

Mostramos una revisión odontológica que incluye cepillado, limpieza con ultrasonidos y colocación de flúor, en medio ambulatorio sobre un paciente autista potencialmente colaborador; Producción:Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa de la UV (www.uv.es/sfpie) i VLC Campus(www.vlc-campus.com)

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