Philippe Duquenne
Effect of carbon source supply and its location on competition between inoculated and established bacterial strains in sterile soil microcosm
The aim of this work was to study how the location of a carbon source and of bacterial cells in soil can enhance the growth of a bacterial inoculum. Studies were performed using irradiated soil and two pairs of strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Pseudomonas fluorescens. For each species, an antibiotic-resistant mutant was used as inoculant and introduced into a sterile soil pre-colonised with its parent strain. The inocula and a glycerol amendment were introduced together or separately into soil using porous microgranules or by spraying a suspension onto the bulk soil. Competition was assessed by plate counts of both inoculant and established populations. Both B. japonicum and P. fluor…
Compétition entre deux souches bactériennes dans un sol irradié : Utilisation de microgranules amendés avec des substrats spécifiques
Hétérogénéité spatiale de l'activité des microorganismes décomposeurs des matières organiques dans les sols. Mise en évidence, paramètres explicatifs
AIP Ecosol 1995-1998 : rapport final de projet *INRA Unité de Science du Sol Versailles Diffusion du document : INRA Unité de Science du Sol Versailles; National audience