G. Staudt
N22e(α,n)M25g: The Key Neutron Source in Massive Stars
The excitation function of the reaction (22)Ne(alpha,n)(25)Mg, the key neutron source in the astrophysical s process in massive stars, has been determined from threshold at E(alpha) = 570 up to 1450 keV with an experimental sensitivity of 10(-11) b. For all resonances in this energy range new resonance parameters have been measured. For a possible resonance at about 635 keV a new upper limit omega gamma < 60 neV for the strength was obtained. Based on the new data, improved reaction rates were calculated as a function of temperature. The new uncertainty limits are considerably smaller than in previous determinations, ruling out the large enhancement factors, up to 500, assumed in some stell…
The key reactions in Stellar helium burning: 12C(α,γ)16O and 22Ne(α,n)25Mg
Abstract The excitation functions of 12C(α,γ)16O and 22Ne(α,n)25Mg have been determined with a yet unequaled experimental sensitivity of 10−11 b. From γ-angular distributions the SE1-and SE2-factors for 12C(α,γ)16O have been deduced and extrapolated into the range of helium burning temperatures using the R-matrix method. An improved reaction rate has been calculated: NA〈σν〉=(7.9±2.5)x10−15cm3(mols)−1 at T9 = 0.2. For a more precise extrapolation the excitation function has to be measured with better statistics. Therefore a new experiment on 12C(α,γ)16O with a better suited setup has been started recently. The accuracy of the 22Ne(α,n)25Mg reaction rate could be improved considerably compare…