Nachweis von SLA/LP-Autoantikörpern bei Patienten mit primär biliärer Zirrhose als Marker für eine sekundäre autoimmune Hepatitis (Overlapsyndrom)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the presence of SLA/LP-autoantibodies in PBC-patients gives evidence for a secondary AIH, also called AIH/PBC-overlap-syndrome. PATIENTS AND METHODS Out of 233 consecutive patients with PBC who had been followed between October 1980 and April 2000, we evaluated the data of anti-SLA/LP-positive patients and compared them to patients with an anti-SLA/LP-negative AIH/PBC overlap syndrome as well as to patients with a classical course of AIH and PBC. RESULTS In total we could identify nine PBC patients with anti-SLA/LP antibodies (six women/three men) or 3.9% of the study population, Anti-SLA/LP-positive PBC patients were sl…