Nuria Boronat
Estudio piloto sobre el estrés y la resiliencia familiar en recién nacidos prematuros
Resumen: Introducción: La prematuridad se acompaña de patología severa, estancias prolongadas en el hospital e incertidumbre acerca del futuro de los pacientes. Estas circunstancias suponen un estrés que puede afectar al funcionamiento de la familia. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido estudiar los factores de riesgo y de protección del funcionamiento familiar en prematuros comparados con neonatos sanos a término. Población y métodos: Se reclutó a prematuros que cursaron el periodo neonatal con y sin patología (n = 40) a los 24 meses de edad posconcepcional y un grupo control de nacidos a término sanos (n = 31) según datos de la historia clínica. El progenitor cuidador habitual respondió al…
Seasonal precipitation interpolation at the Valencia region with multivariate methods using geographic and topographic information
The spatial pattern of precipitation is a complex variable that strongly depends on other geographic and topographic factors. As precipitation is usually known only at certain locations, interpolation procedures are needed in order to predict this variable in other regions. The use of multivariate interpolation methods is usually preferred, as secondary variables—generally derived using GIS tools—correlated with precipitation can be included. In this paper, a comparative study on different univariate and multivariate interpolation methodologies is presented. Our study area is centred in the region of Valencia, located to the eastern Spanish Mediterranean coast. The followed methodology can …
Pilot study on stress and resilience in families with premature newborns
Introduction: Prematurity is associated with severe clinical conditions, long hospital stays, and uncertainty about patient outcomes. These circumstances lead to a stressful situation that may affect family functioning. The aim of this study was to study risk and protection factors affecting family functioning in preterm as compared to healthy term infants. Population and methods: Preterm infants with and without pathological conditions (n = 40) were recruited at 24 months post-conception age, together with a control group of healthy term newborn infants (n = 31). Parents or usual caregivers responded to the Inventory of Family Protection Factors and Parental Stress scales. The results were…