Mikko Karttunen


Crumpling of a stiff tethered membrane.

first-principles numerical simulation model for crumpling of a stiff tethered membrane is introduced. In our model membranes, wrinkles, ridge formation, ridge collapse, as well as the initiation of stiffness divergence, are observed. The ratio of the amplitude and wave length of the wrinkles, and the scaling exponent of the stiffness divergence, are consistent with both theory and experiment. We observe that close to the stiffness divergence there appears a crossover beyond which the elastic behavior of a tethered membrane becomes similar to that of dry granular media. This suggests that ridge formation in membranes and force-chain network formation in granular packings are different manife…

research product

Käyttäjäkokemustutkimus mobiiliopiskelusta sambialaisessa ympäristössä

Maailmanlaajuinen informaatioteknologian kehittyminen ja leviäminen mahdollistaa ajasta ja paikasta riippumattoman opiskelemisen, josta tässä tutkielmassa käytetään nimeä mobiilioppiminen. Mobiilioppiminen on yksi edullisimmista ja vaivattomimmista tavoista kehittää maan koulutustasoa, ja koulutustason parantaminen taas on erityisesti kehitysmaiden intressi. Uudenlaisen teknologian käyttöönottoon liittyy kuitenkin myös teknologian omaksuminen osaksi vakiintuneita työtapoja. Onnistuneeseen omaksumiseen voidaan olennaisesti vaikuttaa positiivisella käyttäjäkokemuksella. Tämä tutkielma perehtyy kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla käyttäjäkokemuksen muodostumiseen käytettävyyden, teknologian omaksumi…

research product

Structure and dielectric breakdown strength of nano calcium carbonate/polypropylene composites

Nanodielectrics, a 21st-century phenomena, is envisioned to be the answer for material challenges in progressive high-voltage technology. It is well known that the proper dispersion of nanoparticles plays a key role in improving the dielectric properties of a material, but to understand where changes in the properties of a material originate, it is also essential to reveal the multiscale structure of the material. In this study, the dielectric permittivity, breakdown strength, and structure of nano calcium carbonate (nano-CaCO3)/polypropylene composites with 1.8-8.1 wt % doping were characterized systematically. The combined results from transmission electron microscopy, Raman microscopy, a…

research product

Dielectric properties and partial discharge endurance of polypropylene-silica nanocomposite

This paper presents the results of the dielectric properties and partial discharge endurance measurements conducted on polypropylene (PP)-silica nanocomposite. The material compounds were analyzed with micro-Raman spectroscopy, X-ray tomography and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). ac and dc breakdown strength of the materials was measured. Dielectric response, capacitance and loss factor of the film samples were measured as a function of temperature and frequency. Partial discharge (PD) endurance of the reference PP and PP Silica nanocomposite was studied as a function of ac voltage. Material surfaces were analyzed after PD stress with optical microscopy. All dielectric measurements …

research product

Influence of low amounts of nanostructured silica and calcium carbonate fillers on the large-area dielectric breakdown performance of bi-axially oriented polypropylene

Influence of low amounts (1.0-2.0wt-%) of nanostructured silica and calcium carbonate fillers on the large area dielectric breakdown performance of bi-axially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) is analyzed. A multi-breakdown measurement method based on the self-healing breakdown capability of metallized film is utilized for the breakdown characterization in order to cover relatively large total film areas, thus leading to results of higher relevance from the practical point-of-view. The dispersion and distribution qualities of filler particles at the nanoscale are evaluated with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging. Weibull statistical analysis suggests that the breakdown distribution …

research product

Kevennettyjen käytettävyysmenetelmien hyödyllisyys

Karttunen, Mikko Kevennettyjen käytettävyysmenetelmien hyödyllisyys Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2013, 24 s. Tietojärjestelmätiede, kandidaatintutkielma Ohjaaja: Jokinen, Jussi Informaatioteknologia on kehittynyt lyhyessä ajassa erittäin suureksi ja tärke-äksi teollisuudenalaksi, jonka asiakaskunta on kasvanut lyhyessä ajassa valta-vaksi ja kasvaa edelleen. Tärkeäksi seikaksi on noussut tuotteiden käytettävyys, eli käytön helppous ja miellyttävä käyttökokemus. Laaja käytettävyystutkimus on kuitenkin usein kallista ja aikaa vievää. Tämä kirjallisuuskatsauksena toteutettu tutkielma esittelee edullisempaa keven-nettyä käytettävyystestausta ja esittelee lisäksi muun muassa sen taustoja, omi…

research product

Large-area dielectric breakdown performance of polymer films

In this study, large-area dielectric breakdown performances of various bi-axially oriented polypropylene (BOPP)-silica nanocomposite films are studied by utilizing the self-healing multi-breakdown method presented in the Part I of this publication. In particular, the effects of silica filler content, pre-mixing method, co-stabilizer content and film processing on the large-area breakdown performance are analyzed. Nanostructural and film cross-sectional analyses are correlated to the breakdown responses. The optimum silica filler content is found to reside at the low fill fraction level (~1 wt-%) and automatic pre-mixing of the raw materials and the optimization of the orientation temperatur…

research product