Ana Rita Travassos

Residents’corner December 2013. Editorial: what's new this month?

ejd.2013.2259 Auteur(s) : Rubeta NH Matin1 rnhmatin@doctors.org.uk, Alejandro Martin-Gorgojo2 alejandromartingorgojo@aedv.es, Ana Rita Travassos3 ritatravassos@gmail.com, Kristina Buder4 Buder_K@ukw.de, Helena Clayton5 helena.clayton@chuv.ch, Audrey Nosbaum6 NosbaumA@derm.ucsf.edu 1 Department of Dermatology, Churchill Hospital, Old Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7LJ, United Kingdom 2 Dermatology Department, Clinical University Hospital of Valencia, University of Valencia, Av Blasco Ibanez 17, 46010 [...]

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Residents'corner April 2014. Editorial: what's new this month?

In this issue of the European Journal of Dermatology, Bircher et al.[1] revisit tolerance induction in drug hypersensitivity reactions, which is a controversial issue, particularly in delayed hypersensitivity reactions. Drug hypersensitivity may present as a mild, moderate or severe life-threatening reaction, becoming a problem for many patients when the offending drug is essential (and even irreplaceable).Determining which drug is responsible for the reaction may be challenging, especially in multiple [...]

research product

Residents'corner February 2014. Editorial: What's new this month?

In this issue of the EJD, two articles shed light on sun-tanning behaviour in southern Europe [1, 2] that will be discussed here. We also critically review an article by Stockfleth et al. [4] who propose the ‘maximum lesion count’ as a new parameter for efficacy assessment of field-directed therapy for actinic keratoses. Last but not least, the publication of Mailhol et al. [5] on food allergies in children with atopic dermatitis will be reviewed.Skin cancer prevention is an important aspect [...]

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