Alice Rosi
Metabolomic Changes after Coffee Consumption: New Paths on the Block
Scope Several studies suggest that regular coffee consumption may help preventing chronic diseases, but the impact of daily intake and the contribution of coffee metabolites in disease prevention are still unclear. The present study aimed at evaluating whether and how different patterns of coffee intake (one cup of espresso coffee/day, three cups of espresso coffee/day, one cup of espresso coffee/day and two cocoa-based products containing coffee two times per day) might impact endogenous molecular pathways. Methods and results A three-arm, randomized, cross-over trial was performed in 21 healthy volunteers who consumed each treatment for one month. Urine samples were collected to perform u…
Dietary assessment methods in surveillance systems targeted to adolescents: A review of the literature
Abstract Aims The present paper aims to identify ongoing multinational surveillance systems (SURSYSs) assessing diet and nutrition targeted to adolescents, including European surveys involving multiple countries and similar initiatives conducted in non-European countries with developed economies, and to describe the dietary assessment methods used. Data synthesis A total of 13 SURSYSs conducted in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand were identified. Dietary assessment methods commonly used include 24-h recalls (24H-Rs) and questionnaires or interviews. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) are used in combination with 24H-Rs in six SURSYSs: only FFQs are used in four SURSYSs; 24H-…