Sabrina Zora

Development and Validation of a Self-Administered Multidimensional Prognostic Index to Predict Negative Health Outcomes in Community-Dwelling Persons

The multidimensional prognostic index (MPI) is a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA)-based tool that accurately predicts negative health outcomes in older subjects with different diseases and settings. To calculate the MPI several validated tools are assessed by health care professionals according to the CGA, whereas self-reported information by the patients is not available, but it could be of importance for the early identification of frailty. We aimed to develop and validate a self-administered MPI (SELFY-MPI) in community-dwelling subjects. For this reason, we enrolled 167 subjects (mean age = 67.3, range = 20-88 years, 51% = men). All subjects underwent a CGA-based assessment to c…

research product

“Ageism” Is Associated With Self-Reported Multidimensional Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Subjects: A Population-Based Study

Ageism is a stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination against people, based on age. Ageism may impact the quality of life and the care of older people, a problem that can be greater when the older person is “frail.” However, few studies explored the role of frailty as a factor related to ageism. The aim of this study was to assess the association between perceived age discrimination (PAD), i.e., ageism, and multidimensional frailty in a cohort of community-dwelling older adults. We enrolled 1,337 community-dwelling subjects over-65 years that filled out a structured questionnaire to collect psycho-socio-economic and behavioral information. Multidimensional frailty was assessed by the SELFY…

research product

Prevalence of multidimensional frailty and pre-frailty in older people in different settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Frailty is a common condition in older people. The epidemiological data available, however, are mainly based on the physical frailty phenotype. An extensive literature has suggested that frailty should be identified using a multidimensional approach. Based on these recommendations, we estimated the prevalence of frailty and pre-frailty in the older population, using the multidimensional prognostic index (MPI), a common tool for defining multidimensional frailty. We searched several databases until 10th May 2021 for studies reporting the prevalence of frailty according to MPI values. MPI was categorized, where possible, in < 0.33 (robustness), 0.33–0.66 (pre-frailty) and > 0.66 (frailt…

research product