Characterizing Breakthrough Cancer Pain Using Ecological Momentary Assessment with a Smartphone App: Feasibility and Clinical Findings.
Background: mobile applications (apps) facilitate cancer pain ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and provide more reliable data than retrospective monitoring. The aims of this study are (a) to describe the status of persons with cancer pain when assessed ecologically, (b) to analyze the utility of clinical alarms integrated into the app, and (c) to test the feasibility of implementing an app for daily oncological pain monitoring. Methods: in this feasibility study, 21 patients (mean age = 56.95 years, SD = 10.53, 81.0% men) responded to an app-based evaluation of physical status (baseline and breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP)) and mental health variables (fatigue, mood, and coping) daily d…
Using Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Ongoing Psychological Interventions for Emotional Problems in Real- or Close to Real-Time: A Systematic Review
Emotional disorders are the most common mental disorders globally. Psychological treatments have been found to be useful for a significant number of cases, but up to 40% of patients do not respond to psychotherapy as expected. Artificial intelligence (AI) methods might enhance psychotherapy by providing therapists and patients with real- or close to real-time recommendations according to the patient’s response to treatment. The goal of this investigation is to systematically review the evidence on the use of AI-based methods to enhance outcomes in psychological interventions in real-time or close to real-time. The search included studies indexed in the electronic databases Scopus, Pubmed, W…
mHealth for the Monitoring of Brace Compliance and Wellbeing in Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis: Study Protocol for a Feasibility Study
Escoliosis idiopática del adolescente; Aplicación móvil; Eficacia del tratamiento Escoliosi idiopàtica de l'adolescent; Aplicació mòbil; Eficàcia del tractament Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis; Mobile application; Treatment effectiveness Attempts to optimize monitoring of brace adherence prescribed to adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (IS) have generally relied on sensors. Sensors, however, are intrusive and do not allow the assessment of psychological and physical consequences of brace use that might underlie poor adherence. Mobile applications have emerged as alternatives to monitor brace compliance. However, the feasibility and utility of these app-based systems to assess key psychol…