Helge Hernes
Does It Really Matter? Assessing the Performance Effects of Changes in Leadership and Management Structures in Nordic Higher Education
AbstractUniversities are public organisations, which operate in a highly institutionalised environment. They are heavily dependent on public resources. As such, universities are susceptible to shifts in governance arrangements but are also far from being passive recipients of reform agendas. They face demands from multiple internal constituencies (academics, administrators, students, managers) and from a variety of external stakeholders. This chapter explores the interplay between governance arrangements resulting from policy shifts and university dynamics. It sets the stage for the book, asking the following research questions: (1) what characterises changes in governance regimes in Nordic…
Compliance and non-compliance with a superordinate directive document
Published version of an article in the journal: Public Organization Review. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11115-012-0206-7 We report a study of how a Norwegian regional health care agency directive document was complied with at the subordinate hospital level. We found tight coupling for the activity and budget requirements and loose coupling and decoupling for the other requirements in the document. Furthermore, rather than pursuing their own self- and group interests the hospital actors held an overall effectiveness logic.
Nordic Higher Education in Flux: System Evolution and Reform Trajectories
AbstractThis chapter provides a brief description of how the four national systems included in this study—Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden—are currently organised and structured. In doing so, it illuminates several specific features such as the types and sizes of the institutions, enrolment patterns, performance measures, and funding. In addition, the chapter gives a snapshot of how higher education systems have evolved historically by shedding light on policy dynamics from the late 1990s to 2013, the baseline period for the FINNUT comparative study, the research project that provides the basis for this edited volume. This is followed by a section describing the aim, methods, theoretica…
External Research Funding and Authority Relations
AbstractThis chapter analyses how the increasing external research project funding has affected the authority over research for managers and researchers in Nordic universities. Drawing on both the qualitative and quantitative data from the FINNUT project, the chapter uses institutional theory to investigate how authority relations between managers and researcher unfold by focusing on the themes content, time, and people. For researchers, the increasing external funding has resulted in some reduction of the authority over research. However, researchers do employ a range of defence mechanisms in order to protect their research freedom. For managers, the results are ambiguous since, on the one…