Partitioning of Pyrene-Labeled Phospho- and Sphingolipids between Ordered and Disordered Bilayer Domains
AbstractHere we have studied how the length of the pyrene-labeled acyl chain (n) of a phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, or galactosylceramide affects the partitioning of these lipids between 1), gel and fluid domains coexisting in bovine brain sphingomyelin (BB-SM) or BB-SM/spin-labeled phosphatidylcholine (PC) bilayers or 2), between liquid-disordered and liquid-ordered domains in BB-SM/spin-labeled PC/cholesterol bilayers. The partitioning behavior was deduced either from modeling of pyrene excimer/monomer ratio versus temperature plots, or from quenching of the pyrene monomer fluorescence by spin-labeled PC. New methods were developed to model excimer formation and pyrene lipid quenchi…