Toril Borch Terkelsen

Coercion in a locked psychiatric ward: Perspectives of patients and staff

Background: In spite of a national strategy for reducing coercion in the mental health services, Norway still has a high rate of involuntary treatment compared to other European countries. It is therefore crucial to study various parties involved in involuntary treatment in order to reduce coercion. Research question: How do patients and staff in a Norwegian locked psychiatric ward experience coercion? Research design: Participant observation and interviews. Participants: A total of 12 patients and 22 employees participated in this study. Ethical considerations: This study is accepted by the National Committee for Medical Health Research Ethics. Findings: The participants experienced coerci…

research product

Tvangsmedisinering som permanent unntakstilstand : Erfaringer fra feltarbeid

Accepted version of an article in the journal: Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid. Also available from Universitetsforlaget: http://www.idunn.no/ts/tph/2012/02/tvangsmedisinering_som_permanent_unntakstilstand Studien analyserer hvordan tvangsmedisinering praktiseres og oppleves av pasienter og ansatte. Den bygger på feltarbeid i en lukket akuttpsykiatrisk døgnenhet. Funnene oppsummeres i tre hovedpunkter: a) Både pasienter og ansatte opplevde avmakt overfor tvangsmedisinering, men ansatte mente at medikamenter var nødvendig selv om de måtte gis med tvang. b) Det som ble beskrevet som frivillig medisinering, kunne erfares som tvangsmedisinering. c) Pasienter beskrev plagsomme bivirkninger, m…

research product

Er sykepleiediagnoser relevant i psykisk helsearbeid?

Akseptert versjon av en artikkel som er publisert i tidsskriftet: Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid Forlagets publiserte versjon på Idunn: http://www.idunn.no/ts/tph/2009/01/er_sykepleiediagnoser_relevant_i_psykisk_helsearbeid I denne artikkelen, som baserer seg et på et åtte måneders feltarbeid i en psykiatrisk rehabiliteringsavdeling, retter jeg et kritisk søkelys på anvendelse av sykepleiediagnoser i psykisk helsearbeid. Jeg tar utgangspunkt i det amerikanske sykepleiediagnostiske klassifikasjonssystemet NANDA-NOC-NIC og vurderer relevansen av slike systemer på bakgrunn av erfaringer fra mitt feltarbeid. Jeg fant at såkalte tegn på psykisk lidelse ikke var statiske størrelser, men endre…

research product

Fear, danger and aggression in a Norwegian locked psychiatric ward

Background: Fear and aggression are often reported among professionals working in locked psychiatric wards and also among the patients in the same wards. Such situations often lead to coercive intervention. In order to prevent coercion, we need to understand what happens in dangerous situations and how patients and professionals interpret them. Research questions: What happens when dangerous situations occur in a ward? How do professionals and patients interpret these situations and what is ethically at stake? Research design: Participant observation and interviews. Participants: A total of 12 patients and 22 professionals participated. Ethical considerations: This study has been accepted b…

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The locked psychiatric ward: hotel or detention camp for people with dual diagnosis.

The concepts of autonomy and liberty are established goals in mental health care; however, involuntary commitment is used towards people with mental health and substance abuse problems (dual diagnosis).To explore how patients and staff act in the context of involuntary commitment, how interactions are described and how they might be interpreted.Ethnographic methodology in a locked psychiatric ward in Norway.Two parallel images emerged: (a) The ward as a hotel. Several patients wanted a locked ward for rest and safety, even when admission was classified as involuntary. The staff was concerned about using the ward for real treatment of motivated people, rather than merely as a comfortable hot…

research product

Robert Nozick and Axel Honneth: An attempt to shed light on mental health service in Norway through two diametrical philosophers.

This article aims at giving insight into Norwegian mental health service by exploring the ideologies of two diametrical philosophers, the American Robert Nozick (1938-2002) and the German Axel Honneth (1949-). Nozick proposes as an ideal a minimal state in which citizens have a "negative right" to the absence of interference and to follow their own interests without restriction from the state. On the other side, Axel Honneth claims that there is no freedom without state interference. In his view, governmental involvement is understood as a prerequisite for personal freedom. We may call this state an opposite of the minimal state; a maximal state. To get a better understanding of these oppos…

research product

Transforming subjectivities in psychiatric care

Accepted version of an article in the journal: Subjectivities. The definitive publisher-authenticated version: Transforming subjectivities in psychiatric care, Subjectivity, Vol. 27, 195–216 , 2009, Palgrave Macmillan is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/sub.2009.6 This paper is based upon ethnographic fieldwork in a Norwegian psychiatric unit practicing a psycho-educational treatment of young adults diagnosed with schizophrenia. An aim of the programme is that patients learn to detect and monitor their 'symptoms' in order to obtain 'insight into their own illness', thus transforming themselves into self-governed and self-responsible subjects who are able to cope with life outs…

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