F. Cannella
A simple model for the calculation of the axial load-carrying capacity of corroded RC columns
In the present paper, a simplified model is used to determine the axial load-carrying capacity of compressed short reinforced concrete columns subjected to corrosion processes. The model considers members with circular and square cross-sections and accounts for—cover spalling, —concrete core confinement induced by transverse steel reinforcement, —buckling of longitudinal reinforcing bars. Strength reduction in concrete cover and core due to cracking induced by rust formation, reduction of steel area in longitudinal bars and transverse stirrups due to general and pitting corrosion and loss of confinement pressure are considered. The load-carrying capacity and load-axial strain curves here ge…
Flexural Test on a Full-Scale 60-kW Wind Turbine-Tower Telescopic Steel Pipe
A full-scale static test to failure was conducted on 6-m (236.22 in.)-long steel pipes constituting a segment of a telescopic wind tower with a 60-kW wind turbine. The diameter of the circular cross section of the steel pipes was 900 mm (35.43 in.), and the nominal thickness was 10 mm (0.39 in.). The steel grade was 355 MPa (51,488 psi). The tests were conducted in a force-controlled mode in a four-point bending test with a shear-to-span ratio of 2.05. The flexural limit states developed in the form of ovalization of the cross section and of local buckling. The buckling occurred in the plastic range because of the diameter-to-thickness ratio of the section. Although local buckling caused sl…
Overstrength requirements to avoid brittle shear failure in RC slender beams with stirrups
Abstract In this paper, an analytical expression was derived for the prediction of shear strength of slender reinforced concrete (RC) beams with stirrups. Failure occurring in B and D regions of the beam was considered. An expression derived for the shear strength of the B region was based on a modified constant angle truss model. The analytical expression derived consisted of three terms. The first one was related to the concrete contribution expressed through the square root of cylindrical compressive strength, geometrical ratio of longitudinal bars, and depth to width ratio. The second one was relating to the shear force induced by yielding of stirrups to the inclination of the main crac…
Capacità in compressione di colonne in calcestruzzo confinato con FRP/Acciaio in presenza di precarico
Nell'ambito del recupero e rinforzo delle costruzioni esistenti, il confinamento di colonne in calcestruzzo armato con materiali polimerici fibro-rinforzati (FRP) e la tecnica di incamiciatura tramite il sistema combinato di angolari e piatti in acciaio (Steel Jacketing) risultano molto utilizzate, in quanto offrono notevoli vantaggi in termini di incremento della capacità portante e deformativa agli elementi strutturali che presentano carenze di requisiti sismici. L'esecuzione dell'intervento di rinforzo in condizioni di esercizio della struttura implica la presenza di uno stato tenso-deformativo esistente nelle colonne, causato dalla presenza dei carichi gravitazionali. Questo può comport…
Shear-to-Moment Interaction in Glass Beams with Open Cross Sections
An experimental investigation regarding the flexural behavior of glass beams with a length of 1,200 mm and rectangular, T-shaped, or I-shaped cross sections is presented and discussed. T-shaped and I-shaped cross sections were obtained by assembling laminated glass (LG) panels of 200 mm depth and 12.76 mm thickness through an acrylic adhesive. Three specimens for each series investigated were tested in flexure, focusing on the flexural and shear response of beams through the determination of the load-deflection curves and crack patterns at rupture. The shear span to depth ratio a/d was 2.25, which is a very low value, and interaction of shear and bending moment occurred during the tests. An…
Structural Behavior of Telescopic Steel Pipe for a Full-Scale 60 kW Wind Turbine Tower
A simple analytical model, including local effects due to buckling and shear to moment interaction, was developed to pre-dict the load-carrying capacity of CHS tubes under flexure and shear. A finite-element analysis with ABAQUS Code was also conducted for validation of the proposed model. By properly modeling the imperfection effects due to the ovalization of steel tube, a good correlation of the structural response and failure mode was also achieved, and a good correlation with the analytical model was also achieved. Numerical and analytical results were compared with experimental results recently obtained by the author with good agreement. Experimental tests refer to full-scale static te…
Compressive behavior of FRP externally wrapped R.C. column with buckling effects of longitudinal bars
Abstract In this paper, a calculation model to simulate the compressive behavior of R.C. columns with square cross-sections externally wrapped with FRP, including buckling effects of the longitudinal bars and reduction of the confinement pressure induced by the buckled compressed bars, is presented and discussed. The model distinguishes the cases of corner and side bars, calculating the different critical lengths and the critical loads. The Teng et al. (2009) model was adopted to predict the compressive behavior of FRP-confined concrete, and the Dhakal and Maekawa (2002) model was taken into account to predict the compressive behavior of longitudinal bars. The critical length and critical s…
Flexural Response of Reinforced Concrete Beam on Elastic Foundation under Vertical Load and Bending Moment: Review of Existing Methods and Proposed New Method
AbstractThis work examined the behavior of a RC beam on a soil foundation subject to concentrated vertical loads and bending moment in both the elastic and the plastic phases. Some of the simplifie...
Buckling strength of steel tube for lifting telescopic wind steel tower
Abstract A telescopic pole for wind energy production with low environmental impact and its lifting system for a 60–250 kW turbine and a height of 30 m have been designed and manufactured. The tower, was raised and lowered by automation or by remote control, that allows one to differentiate the presence of the generator within the landscape over time. The jacking systems acting on the legs had a combination of holes (on the legs) and pegs actuated by hydraulic pistons. The aim of the paper was the experimental and the analytical verification of the stability condition of the steel piston as a lifting system of the prototype. An experimental investigation was carried out on small-scale speci…
Simplified model for compressive response of RC column footing with square cross-section
Abstract In this paper, a simplified calculus model for the prediction of the compressive response of RC column footing with a square cross-section is presented. As it is well-known RC concrete footing are designed adopting uniform contact pressures on the substrate and assuming a strut and tie model in deep members and a cantilever beam or slab model in flexible members. Deep and flexible members are distinguished in literature only based on the tangent of the angle expressed as the ratio between the depth and the shear span of the footing. In this paper, several subgrade contact pressures distribution for column footings (rigid or soft soils) were considered in developing a mechanical mod…
Assessment of the load carrying capacity of reinforced concrete columns strengthened by steel cages Specificità nella valutazione della capacità portante di colonne in calcestruzzo armato rinforzate con incamiciatura in acciaio
In the present paper, a selected review of the most relevant analytical models provided for the evaluation of the con-finement properties of Steel Jacketed RC columns is discussed. The reliability of the models is tested by comparing the analytical predictions of the load capacity with experimental results available in the literature depending on the type of mechanical end-connections. Moreover, new considerations regarding the application of the steel jacketing on columns while loaded are faced by experimental investigation
Engineering failure analysis of corroded R.C. beams in flexure and shear
Abstract In the present paper, a simple model to reproduce the load-deflection response of corroded beams failing in flexure and shear is presented and discussed. Effects of diffused and pitting corrosion on steel bars, compressive concrete strength degradation and concrete bond strength degradation due to rust formation are included in the model. Engineering approach based on limit state theory was here adopted to predict the peak and the residual flexural and shear strength of corroded beams with corresponding deflections and ductility estimation. Calculation of deflection at cracking taking into account of rust formation and deflection at yielding and the ultimate state taking into accou…
Structural behaviour of hybrid glass beams with T cross-sections
Abstract An experimental investigation regarding the flexural and the shear behaviour of glass beams with length 900, 1300, 1700 mm and T cross-section is presented and discussed. T cross-sections were obtained by assembling glass web and glass flange. Some specimens were also reinforced internally in the web with steel plates of thickness 6 mm and depth 25 and 50 mm placed at the bottom portion of the beams for the entire length of the beams themselves. Three specimens for each investigated series were tested in flexure focusing on the flexural and shear response through the determination of the load-deflection curves and the crack patterns at rupture identifying the effects of steel plate…
Flexural behavior of hybrid glass beams with rectangular cross-sections
Abstract An experimental investigation regarding the flexural and the shear behavior of glass beams with length 900, 1300, 1700 mm and rectangular cross-section is presented and discussed. Rectangular cross-sections were obtained by assembling three float glass panels of depth 200 mm and thickness 6 mm through an acrylic adhesive with an effective depth of 19.52 mm (6 + 0.76 + 6 + 0.76 + 6 mm). Some specimens were also reinforced internally with steel plates of thickness 6 mm and depth 25 mm and thickness 6 mm and plates of thickness 6 mm and depth 50 mm placed at the bottom portion of the beams for the entire length of the beams themselves. Three specimens for each investigated series were…
Risk of failure for the salso river railroad steel bridge
Abstract The degradation state of railroad steel bridges is one of the most important and difficult aspects to be interpreted. The use of steel bridges started from 1900, and they are still in service today as railroad bridges. The case study examined was that of a bridge railroad steel bridge having a total length of 112 m and constituted by three isostatic, reticular beams having a Pratt type composition. The substructures (two shoulders and two intermediate piles) are in masonry with a reinforced concrete beam in the upper portion. The structure (steel bridge and piers) is in a degraded state. To determine the degradation level, non-destructive and partially destructive tests were carrie…
Practical Calculation Models for Column Footing and Comparison with Experimental Data
In this paper, a simplified calculation model for the prediction of the load-carrying capacity of an RC column footing with a square cross section is presented. A detailed background of available experimental data and existing models for the prediction of the load-carrying capacity of slender and deep footings is presented. Cases of flexural failure and punching shear failures for slender footing and concrete strut crushing and tie yielding in deep members are analyzed. The aim of the paper is to propose a simple design formula for slender and deep footing verified by available experimental data and in agreement with other existing expressions. Expressions of the maximum mechanical ratio of…
Risk of failure in existing RC balcony and strength verification under degradation phenomena
Abstract In the present paper, the safety conditions of reinforced concrete (RC) balconies subject to degradation phenomena caused by carbonation, presence of chlorides or water infiltration were examined. After a brief review of the typical damages of balconies occurring with detachments of plaster and bricks expulsion, some cases of collapses of balconies recently occurred were presented. Therefore, a calculation model was proposed for a hand verification of the flexural and shear strength of existing corroded T beams cast in place of lightened RC orthotropic slabs forming the balcony and for the calculus of deflection including slippage of steel bars. Diffused and pitting corrosion on st…
Hand verification for flexural strength of existing R.C. floors subject to degradation phenomena
Abstract In the present paper, a simplified model for hand verification of the flexural and shear strength of existing corroded T beams cast in place of lightened R.C. orthotropic slabs forming floors is presented and discussed. Diffused and pitting corrosion on steel bars, compressive concrete strength degradation and concrete bond strength degradation are included in the model. The original contribution of the paper is evaluation of the flexural and shear strength considering both the cases of strain compatibility and absence of compatibility and considering the main parameters governing the corrosion process. An arch-resistant model for the calculus of the flexural and shear strength of …
Analytical Prediction of the Flexural Response of External RC Joints with Smooth Rebars
Nel presente lavoro viene presentato un modello analitico in forma chiusa in grado di riprodurre la risposta flessionale monotonica di nodi esterni trave-colonna in c.a. con armature lisce. La colonna viene sottoposta a carico verti-cale costante e la trave ad una forza laterale crescente monotonicamente applicata all’estremità. Il modello si basa sul comportamen-to flessionale di trave e colonna adottando un modello di cerniera plasticità concentrata che include lo scorrimento delle armature della trave. Si assume un dominio sforzo normale-momento bilineare semplificato da cui viene derivato il momento ultimo associato alla forza assiale di progetto. Per il nodo viene adottato un modello c…
Moment-Axial Domain of Corroded R.C. Columns
In the present paper, a simplified model to determine the moment-axial force domain of the cross-section of reinforced concrete columns subjected to corrosion process is presented. The model considers members with square and rectangular cross-sections and it accounts for cover spalling, buckling of longitudinal reinforcing bars, loss of bond of bar in tension, reduction of confinement pressures (due to the reduction of the area of stirrups and cracking of concrete induced by rust formation). The analytical expressions for prediction of the area reduction of steel, bond strength and critical load of longitudinal bars utilized were verified against experimental data available literature.
Moment-axial force domain of corroded R.C. columns
In the present paper, a simple model to determine the moment-axial force domain of the cross-section of reinforced concrete (R.C.) columns subjected to corrosion process is presented. The model considers members with square and rectangular cross-sections and it accounts for—cover spalling; buckling of longitudinal reinforcing bars; loss of bond of bar in tension; reduction of confinement pressures (due to the reduction of the area of stirrups and cracking of concrete induced by rust formation). The analytical expressions for prediction of the area reduction of steel, bond strength and critical load of longitudinal bars utilized were verified against experimental data available in the litera…
Shear and flexural strength prediction of corroded R.C. beams
Abstract The purpose of the work was the study of the structural safety of R.C. beams subjected to corrosion processes though the derivation of moment-curvature diagrams and moment-to-shear interaction diagrams. Normal-strength reinforced concrete beams with longitudinal bars in the presence of transverse stirrups and subjected to corrosion processed are considered. Experimental results available in the literature related to corrosion processes, for steel bars, crack openings and bond degradation due to rust formation are reviewed. Then analytical laws relating to crack opening, bond degradation with attack penetration depth, through a rearranged form of Faraday’s law, are presented. An ana…