Hans Weber
High‐resolution histographical mapping of glucose concentrations in developing cotyledons of Vicia faba in relation to mitotic activity and storage processes: glucose as a possible developmental trigger
Summary Previous studies provided evidence that the carbohydrate status triggers developmental processes in the growing cotyledons ofVicia faba. We describe here the high-resolution mapping of glucose concentrations in tissue sections of developing faba bean cotyledons by quantitative bioluminescence and single-photon imaging. Patterns of local glucose distributions are compared with tissue cell type, mitotic index and the distribution pattern of starch. During cotyledon differentiation, gradients in the glucose concentration emerge which are related to the particular cell type. Higher concentrations are found in non-differentiated premature regions of the cotyledon whereas mature starch-ac…
Energy status and its control on embryogenesis of legumes: ATP distribution within Vicia faba embryos is developmentally regulated and correlated with photosynthetic capacity
To analyse the energy status of Vicia faba embryos in relation to differentiation processes, we measured ATP concentrations directly in cryosections using a quantitative bioluminescence-based imaging technique. This method provides a quantitative picture of the ATP distribution close to the in vivo situation. ATP concentrations were always highest within the axis. In pre-storage cotyledons, the level was low, but it increased strongly in the course of further development, starting from the abaxial region of cotyledons and moving towards the interior. Greening pattern, chlorophyll distribution and photosynthetic O2 production within embryos temporally and spatially corresponded to the ATP di…
Comment on “How skew distributions emerge in evolving systems” by Choi M. Y. et al.
Power-law distributions and other skew distributions, observed in various models and real systems, are considered. As an example, critical exponents determined from highly accurate experimental data very close to the λ-transition point in liquid helium are discussed in some detail. A model, describing evolving systems with increasing number of elements, is considered to study the distribution over element sizes. Stationary power-law distributions are found. Certain non-stationary skew distributions are obtained and analyzed, based on exact solutions. Validerad; 2010; 20100908 (weber)
Application of thermodynamics to driven systems
Application of thermodynamics to driven systems is discussed. As particular examples, simple traffic flow models are considered. On a microscopic level, traffic flow is described by Bando's optimal velocity model in terms of accelerating and decelerating forces. It allows to introduce kinetic, potential, as well as total energy, which is the internal energy of the car system in view of thermodynamics. The latter is not conserved, although it has certain value in any of two possible stationary states corresponding either to fixed point or to limit cycle in the space of headways and velocities. On a mesoscopic level of description, the size n of car cluster is considered as a stochastic varia…
International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound Conference 2016
From Random Walker to Vehicular Traffic: Motion on a Circle
Driving of cars on a highway is a complex process which can be described by deterministic and stochastic forces. It leads to equations of motion with asymmetric interaction and dissipation as well as to new energy flow law already presented at previous TRAFFIC AND GRANULAR FLOW meetings. Here we consider a model, where motion of an asymmetric random walker on a ring with periodic boundary conditions takes place. It is related to driven systems with active particles, energy input and depot. This simple model can be further developed towards more complicated ones, describing vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Three particular cases are considered, starting with discrete coordinate and time, the…
Models for highway traffic and their connections to thermodynamics
Models for highway traffic are studied by numerical simulations. Of special interest is the spontaneous formation of traffic jams. In a thermodynamic system the traffic jam would correspond to the dense phase (liquid) and the free flowing traffic would correspond to the gas phase. Both phases depending on the density of cars can be present at the same time. A model for a single lane circular road has been studied. The model is called the optimal velocity model (OVM) and was developed by Bando, Sugiyama, et al. We propose here a reformulation of the OVM into a description in terms of potential energy functions forming a kind of Hamiltonian for the system. This will however not be a globally …
Light-cone quark model with spin force for the nucleon and Δ (1232)
Abstract Electromagnetic structure functions for the nucleon, static observables for the nucleon and N → Δ (1232) transition form factors are calculated in a relativistic constituent quark model on the light cone. The model simulates the main effect of the spin force between quarks in terms of smaller (and lighter) scalar ud diquarks in the nucleon. The polarized proton structure function is found to agree with the EMC data.
Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Traffic Flow
Application of thermodynamics to traffic flow is discussed. On a microscopic level, traffic flow is described by Bando’s optimal velocity model in terms of accelerating and decelerating forces. It allows us to introduce kinetic, potential, as well as a total energy, which is the internal energy of the car system in view of thermodynamics. The total energy is however not conserved, although it has a certain value in any of the two possible stationary states corresponding either to a fixed point or to a limit cycle solution in the space of headways and velocities.
Spatial analysis of plant metabolism: Sucrose imaging within Vicia faba cotyledons reveals specific developmental patterns
During legume embryogenesis the differentiation of the cotyledons proceeds gradually in a wave-like manner. The process is metabolically and genetically controlled and regulated by sugars. In order to perform a spatial and temporal analysis of the sugar distribution pattern a new method was developed to specifically measure sucrose directly in tissues via bioluminescence and single photon counting. This enabled a quantitative sucrose imaging with a resolution close to the single cell level. The procedure was applied on sections of Vicia faba cotyledons covering the main stages of histodifferentiation. Young embryos before the storage phase contained moderate levels of sucrose, which were ev…
Vehicular Motion and Traffic Breakdown: Evaluation of Energy Balance
Microscopic traffic models based on follow–the–leader behaviour are strongly asymmetrically interacting many–particle systems. The well–known Bando’s optimal velocity model includes the fact that (firstly) the driver is always looking forward interacting with the lead vehicle and (secondly) the car travels on the road always with friction. Due to these realistic assumptions the moving car needs petrol for the engine to compensate dissipation by rolling friction. We investigate the flux of mechanical energy to evaluate the energy balance out of the given nonlinear dynamical system of vehicular particles. In order to understand the traffic breakdown as transition from free flow to congested t…
Applications to Traffic Breakdown on Highways
During the last years researches into properties of vehicle ensembles on highways form a new branch of physics, called physics of traffic flow. On macroscopic scales the vehicle ensembles exhibit a wide class of phenomena like phase separation and phase transformations widely met in physical systems. Due to the steadily increasing traffic volume in cities and on highways, the mathematical modelling of these phenomena has attracted a great interest. Particularly, the topic of car—following has become of increased importance in traffic engineering and safety research.
Proton Spin in Chiral Quark Models
The spin and flavor fractions of constituent quarks in the proton are obtained from their chiral fluctuations involving Goldstone bosons. SU(3) flavor symmetry breaking suggested by the mass difference between the strange and up, down quarks is included, and this improves the agreement with the data markedly.