Saša Marić
Technical Solutions to Mitigate Shifting Fish Fauna Zones Impacted by Long Term Habitat Degradation in the Bistra Mărui River – Study Case
Abstract The Bistra Mărului River fish fauna has been severely impacted by man-made activities, especially through longitudinal fragmentation, over the past 40 years. Fish fauna monitoring revealed structural changes and technical methods have been proposed, in order to restore the natural connectivity and the conservation of fish species. Benefits should accrue for key species: Salmo trutta fario, Cottus gobio, Thymallus thymallus, Eudontomyzon danfordi, Eudontomyzon vladykovi, Gobio uranoscopus, Barbus meridionalis, and Condrostoma nasus.
Hucho hucho (Linnaeus, 1758): last natural viable population in the Eastern Carpathians - conservation elements
There is great variation in the conservation status of the last habitats with long-term natural viable populations of the salmon species Hucho hucho in Maramureş Mountains Nature Park, Eastern Carpathians (Romania). According to the specific guidelines for Natura 2000, 42.11% are in good conservation status, 31.57% are of average status, and 26.32% are in a partially degraded condition. In this study area, 6 main risk elements were identified related to human impact on the environment: poaching, minor riverbed mor-phodynamic changes, liquid and solid natural flow disruption, habitat fragmentation leading to isolation of fish populations, organic and mining pollution, and destruction of ripa…
Environmental Aspects of Implementation of Micro Hydro Power Plants – A Short Review
Abstract The economic importance of micro hydro power plants is obvious around the world and the development trend will continue well into the future. Unfortunately the effects on the local lotic systems habitats and biocoenosis are not studied, and in some cases or are known only to a small degree. A variety of taxa were identified in the study case areas as being significantly affected by the micro hydro power plants: macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish.
Brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) high genetic diversity around the Tyrrhenian Sea as revealed by nuclear and mitochondrial markers
The brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) is widely distributed all around Europe but its natural diversity is threatened by massive stocking with Atlantic domestic strains. Describing the remaining natural genetic diversity and the proportion of domestic hatchery strains in rivers is a prerequisite for smart conservation. The high genetic diversity of brown trout populations around the Tyrrhenian Sea is well known. Use of twelve microsatellites has allowed description of the natural genetic structure of populations and detection of the consequences of stocking. Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences and the LDH-C1* gene enabled placement of each population into one of the six mitochondrial and…