Zanca L
Natal Dispersal of First Winter Peregrine Falcons
Quantitative information about natal dispersal is available for many species, usually focused on their long-distance migration. Basic information on non-migrant Peregrine falcons is virtually lacking, despite the amount of scientific data on this species, and the sensitivity of this stage in the Peregrines’ life history. Information on movements is crucial for the definition of young post-fledging areas, the behaviour of floaters and also gives key information about juvenile mortality. Thanks to satellite telemetry, we were able to provide data about the destiny, movement and habitat use during both the phase of post-fledging dependence by parents (PFDP) and the dispersal period of 14 Peregr…
Falcon Conservation: azioni pratiche per la tutela del lanario Falco biarmicus feldeggii
Il progetto Falcon Conservation nasce nel 2014 e dal 2016 è supportato dalla fondazione Nando ed Elsa Peretti, con lo scopo di acquisire nuovi dati sulla biologia e la conservazione dei Rapaci ed in particolar modo del lanario Falco biarmicus feldeggii e del pellegrino Falco peregrinus brookei. Falcon Conservation si basa sulla ricerca scientifica e sulla Citizen Science ed ha tra gli obiettivi la divulgazione e il coinvolgimento degli studenti universitari e dell’opinione pubblica in genere. Le azioni pratiche del progetto si sono concentrate sul monitoraggio di popolazione in tre aree-campione che corrispondono alla Sicilia occidentale, centrale ed orientale. I censimenti sul campo sono s…
having doubled in number during the period 1978-2006, the population of the Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus living in Sicily currently seems to be stable, and has very probably reached the carrying capacity at the current ecological conditions of the insular ecosystems. A continuous standardized census (2010-2019) estimated at least 257 pairs scattered across the main island, plus some 13-15 pairs living on the small islands around Sicily. The population is not randomly distributed, but rather it is concentrated in all the suitable habitats of the island, nesting in either small crags or large cliffs from sea level to 1,424 m asl; it is rarer in the north-eastern corner (Peloritani, Nebro…