Digital Stories with Children: Examining Digital Storytelling as a Pedagogical Process in ECEC
Modern digital technologies have become common in educational settings of all levels. This has made the use of digital storytelling (DST) more applicable in early childhood education and care (ECEC). This paper examines the implementation of DST, aiming to answer the following questions: 1) How to support children’s active participation throughout the DST process in ECEC, and 2) how do 21st century skills manifest in the DST process? The study was conducted between 2017 and 2018, when two cycles of DST projects were implemented in four Finnish ECEC centres as part of a European project. The data consist of interviews with educators (N=15) and children (N=51), as well as documentation of the…
Children’s conceptions of mental well-being and ideas for its promotion through digital environments
The aim of this study is to further understanding of children’s conceptions of mental well-being and their ideas for its digital promotion. The study is based on the need to provide children an opportunity to actively participate and share their understanding of mental well-being promotion with others in light of their understanding of what online environments and their design can afford for this promotion. The study was implemented as three subsequent workshops in primary school classrooms comprising four teachers and 79 children aged 9-11 years old. In the first two workshops, children reflected on mental well-being, digital environments they utilise and their possible connections to ment…
Lasten osallisuuden jännitteet varhaiskasvatuksessa
Lasten osallisuus on varhaiskasvatuksessa pedagogisen toiminnan keskeinen tavoite. Osallisuuden toteutuminen voi olla kuitenkin käytännössä vaikeaa. Sitä hankaloittavat lasten osallisuuden epäselvä teoreettinen määrittely, tiedon puute osallisuutta tukevista käytännöistä ja toimintatavoista sekä varhaiskasvatuksen resursoinnin kysymykset. Varhaiskasvatuksen lapsiryhmät ovat yhä monimuotoisempia, ja myös siksi on tärkeää kehittää kasvattajien osaamista lasten osallisuuden huomioon ottamisessa. Jotta lasten osallisuus ja oikeudet osataan tunnistaa, on tunnettava niihin liittyvää tutkimustietoa ja lainsäädäntöä sekä uusia toimintatapoja. Artikkelissa tarkastelemme, millaista oli Oiva – Lasten …