J.-b. De Vivie De Régie

A study of single W production in e+e− collisions at –183 GeV

Abstract Single W production is studied in the data recorded with the ALEPH detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies between 161 and 183 GeV. The cross section is measured to be σW=0.41±0.17(stat.)±0.04(syst.) pb at 183 GeV, consistent with the Standard Model expectation. Limits on non-standard WWγ couplings are deduced as −1.6 γ (λ γ =0) and −1.6 γ (κ γ =1) at 95% C.L. A search for effectively invisible decays of the W boson in W pair production is performed, leading to an upper limit on the branching ratio of 1.3% ( Γ inv =27 MeV ) at 95% C.L.

research product

Absolute Lower Limits on the Masses of Selectrons and Sneutrinos in the MSSM

The results of searches for selectrons, charginos and neutralinos performed with the data collected by the ALEPH detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies up to 209 GeV are interpreted in the framework of the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model with R-parity conservation. Under the assumptions of gaugino and sfermion mass unification and no sfermion mixing, an absolute lower limit of 73 GeV/c2 is set on the mass of the lighter selectron at the 95% confidence level. Similarly, limits on the masses of the heavier selectron and of the sneutrino are set at 107 and 84 GeV/c2, respectively. Additional constraints are derived from the results of the searches for Higgs bosons. T…

research product

A direct measurement of |Vcs| in hadronic W decays using a charm tag

Abstract The inclusive charm production rate in W decays is measured from a study of the properties of final state particles. The sample of W pairs is selected from 67.7 pb−1 collected by ALEPH in 1996 and 1997 at centre-of-mass energies near 172 and 183 GeV in the channels W+W−→4q and W + W − →lνq q . The branching fraction of hadronic W decays to a final state containing a c quark, RWc= Γ(W→cX)/Γ(W→hadrons), is measured to be 0.51±0.05stat±0.03syst. This allows a direct determination of the CKM matrix element |Vcs|=1.00±0.11stat±0.07syst.

research product

Searches for sleptons and squarks in e(+)e(-) collisions at 189 GeV

The data collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 188.6 GeV by ALEPH at LEP, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 173.6 pb$^{-1}$, are analysed in a search for the scalar partners of quarks and leptons predicted in supersymmetric models. No evidence for any such particles was found in the decay channels $\sle \to \ell \chi$, $\stop \rightarrow \mathrm{c}\neu$, $\stop \rightarrow \mathrm{b}\ell\snu$, $\sbot \rightarrow \mathrm{b}\neu$, and $\mathrm{\tilde{q}} \rightarrow \mathrm{q}\neu$. Improved mass lower limits have been obtained in the framework of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.

research product

Search for the standard model Higgs boson at the LEP2 collider near

Abstract During 1997 the ALEPH experiment at LEP gathered 57 pb −1 of data at centre-of-mass energies near 183 GeV . These data are used to look for possible signals from the production of the Standard Model Higgs boson in the reaction e+e−→HZ. No evidence of a signal is found in the data; seven events are selected, in agreement with the expectation of 7.2 events from background processes. This observation results in an improved lower limit on the mass of the Higgs boson: m H >87.9 GeV /c 2 at 95% confidence level.

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