Roberta Piazza

Dramatic conversation: An exploratory application of Burton's discourse model

The British sociolinguists Sinclair and Coulthard have generated a systematic approach to the analysis of natural conversation using classroom discourse. Burton has articulated an innovative development of this model that she claims is applicable to a broad range of spoken discourse. She focuses on the language of dramatic plays. Her model is explained, and in an attempt to assess its viability, an application to a brief exchange in a Tennessee Williams play and its Italian translation is proposed. Interesting differences between the interactive structures of the two texts are revealed, indicating that Burton's model may be fruitful for the analysis of fictional dialogue. However, theatre t…

research product

Costruire apprendimento e partecipazione a scuola:da studenti unteachables a comunità di motivated learners

Education of the future is a central theme in many debates nowadays. This paper focuses on the question what knowledge and skills are most relevant to prepare students for a rapidly changing society and if schools are able to respond effectively to costant transformation driven by technological innovation. While the school systemis involved in a modification process that concerns its core contents, new “wired” generations of students from lower secondary education are labelled as difficult to teach or even “unteachables”, students who are losing interest in academic learning, who are not motivated or responsible for their learning processes. The contribution examines the activities of an on…

research product

Raising Awareness Of Students' Professional Identity. An Online Internship Path For Future Educators At The University Of Catania

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the educational systems at all levels, demanding rapid adaptation to emergency remote learning. The closure of many educational centres and the restrictions resulting from the spread of the virus have therefore required the need to rethink internship activities. The universities are forced to switch from their pre-planned ‘face-to-face’ model to alternative models, mainly on-line, to allow the students to experience their future work settings and to encourage reflective thinking about the internship experience. The abstract presents an online internship proposal designed and tested by the Degree Course in Educational Sciences (L-19) of the Unive…

research product