Mareike Altgassen

Episodic future thinking together with observational learning benefits prospective memory in high-functioning Korsakoff's syndrome patients

Contains fulltext : 219555.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access) Objective: Patients with Korsakoff's syndrome (KS) have difficulty carrying out tasks which rely on prospective memory (PM). Since remembering to carry out an action in the future is crucial for living independently, it is of primary interest to develop strategies that improve PM performance in KS patients. Design: The study employed a computer categorization task as an ongoing activity into which a PM task was embedded. We included episodic future thinking (EFT) and observational learning (Experiment 2) to boost PM. Methods: Experiment 1 evaluated the efficacy of EFT following written PM task instructions in ten KS patient…

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‘If-then’ but when? Effects of implementation intentions on children’s and adolescents’ prospective memory

Abstract Prospective memory (PM), the ability to initiate and implement delayed intentions, increases across childhood and adolescence. Previous evidence on older adults indicated beneficial effects of implementation intentions (an encoding strategy) on individuals’ PM performance; especially when cognitive control demands were high and availability of cognitive resources low. This research program set out to investigate the impact of implementation intentions on children’s and adolescents’ PM while simultaneously varying cognitive control demands of the PM paradigm. Across two studies, implementation intention encoding was contrasted with standard encoding. In addition, Study 1 manipulated…

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The effects of collaboration and punishment on prospective memory performance in a group setting

Contains fulltext : 225210.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access) Remembering to perform a delayed intention is termed prospective memory (PM). Often delayed intentions are shared by more than one person; however, there is a dearth of studies examining PM in social settings. We aimed to investigate whether the potential consequences of one's behavior across diverse group settings influence PM performance in event- and time-based tasks. A total of 207 participants were randomly allocated to either an individual, collaborative, or collaborative plus penalty motivation condition and were tested in a 2- or 3-person setting. For the time-based PM task, participants responded less timely in the…

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Enhanced Spatial Navigation Skills in Sequence-Space Synesthetes

Contains fulltext : 219554.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) Individuals with sequence-space synesthesia (SSS) perceive sequences like months, days and numbers in certain spatial arrangements. Several cognitive benefits have been associated with SSS, such as enhanced mental rotation, more vivid visual imagery and an advantage in spatial processing. The current study aimed to further investigate these cognitive benefits, focusing on spatial navigation skills, to explore if their enhanced sensitivity to spatial relations is reflected in enhanced navigational performance. Synesthetes were distinguished from controls by means of a questionnaire, a consistency test and drawings. A virtu…

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Did you hear? Auditory prospective memory cues are more beneficial for autistic than for non-autistic children and adolescents

Item does not contain fulltext Background: The transition from primary to secondary school is particularly difficult for autistic children, a transition underpinned by an increase in prospective memory (PM) demands. Aims: To better understand PM in autistic children of the relevant age range and its underlying processes, the current study investigated the impact of cue salience (distinctiveness) on PM in autistic and non-autistic children and adolescents. The study was unique in manipulating the visual and auditory salience of PM cues. Salient cues are assumed to put lower demands on executive control resources as compared to cues that blend in with the ongoing activity. Methods and procedu…

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