Kirsi Pohjola

Children with their dreams – what kind of reveries are accepted in school context?

The media and the contemporary consumer culture are central categories in modern childhood. They have opened new kinds of experiences and learning situations for children. In this article we are interested in the role of the media and consumption in schoolchildren's daily life. The data consist of writings and drawings of 7–12-year-old schoolchildren. Children have told us about their dreams, social worlds and doings in the mediated world. By asking children about all these things we are most likely able to find out how modern childhood and the learning situations in the class are influenced by the media and consumer goods. It is important to analyse children's experiences in the virtual en…

research product

Suhteissa mediaan

Miten vihaa puretaan internetin chat-huoneissa? Kuka fanittaa koulumurhaajaa? Miten ihmisiä voitaisiin tukea mediasuhteissaan? Entä miten media voi toimia yhteiskunnallisen osallistumisen resurssina? Sirkku Kotilaisen toimittama artikkelikokoelma Suhteissa mediaan vastaa yllä oleviin kysymyksiin ja pyrkii herättämään uusia kysymyksiä. Artikkeleissa tehdään kurkistuksia mediasuhteisiin, erityisesti käyttäjien ja kuluttajien vuorovaikutukseen median kanssa. Yleisöyden lisäksi esillä on myös median tuotannon ja tekijöiden näkökulmia. Erilaiset viestimet tarjolla olevine sisältöineen ovat tulleet osaksi arkeamme. Varsinkin lisääntynyt internetin käyttö on pakottanut meidät määrittämään toimijas…

research product

Naisten salaiset maailmat

research product

Young Men in Digital Culture: A New Form of Informal Learning?

In this chapter, the interest lies in the role of the media in young people’s and young adults’ everyday life. Of special interest is the idea of virtual environments as a learning environment, because the aspects of media, virtual realities and learning are socially important and scientifically challenging. In the analysis, three main areas are taken into consideration: First, the discussion on new learning models; second, the progress of information technology; and third, the gap between the styles of learning inside and outside the school. The study focused on young men who practically live in the online world, either playing or talking with each other via online gaming and social portal…

research product