Margarita V. Remizowa
Morphology ofMaundiasupports its isolated phylogenetic position in the early-divergent monocot order Alismatales
According to recent molecular phylogenetic data, the rare Australian endemic Maundia triglochinoides does not form a clade with taxa traditionally classified as members of Juncaginaceae. Therefore, views on the morphological evolution and taxonomy of Alismatales require re-assessment. As the morphology of Maundia is poorly known and some key features have been controversially described in the literature, the flowers, fruits, inflorescence axes and peduncles were studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. Inflorescences are bractless spikes with flowers arranged in trimerous whorls. Except in the inflorescence tip (where the flower groundplan is variable), flowers possess two tepa…
Flowers and inflorescences of the seagrassPosidonia(Posidoniaceae, Alismatales)
Premise of the study: The predominantly aquatic order Alismatales displays a highly variable fl ower groundplan associated with a diverse range of developmental patterns. We present the fi rst detailed description of fl ower anatomy and development in Posidonia , the sole genus of the seagrass family Posidoniaceae. Existing accounts provide confl icting interpretations of fl oral and infl orescence structure, so this investigation is important in clarifying morphological evolution within this early-divergent monocot order. • Methods: We investigated two species of Posidonia using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Our observations are interpreted in the framework of a recent…