Jens Lassen

Measurement of the first ionization potential of astatine by laser ionization spectroscopy

The radioactive element astatine exists only in trace amounts in nature. Its properties can therefore only be explored by study of the minute quantities of artificially produced isotopes or by performing theoretical calculations. One of the most important properties influencing the chemical behaviour is the energy required to remove one electron from the valence shell, referred to as the ionization potential. Here we use laser spectroscopy to probe the optical spectrum of astatine near the ionization threshold. The observed series of Rydberg states enabled the first determination of the ionization potential of the astatine atom, 9.31751(8) eV. New ab initio calculations are performed to sup…

research product

First Determination of the Ionization Potential of Actinium and First Observation of Optical Transitions in Ferminm

For the determination of the first ionization potential of actinium, 227Ac was electrodeposited on a Ta backing and covered with ~1 μm Zr. From this filament, Ac atoms were evaporated at ≥ 1250 °C. By resonant excitation with UV light of 388.67 nm and subsequent excitation with light of ca. 568 nm, Ac was ionized in an external electrical field. By determining the ionization thresholds as a function of the electrical field strength and by extrapolation to zero field strength, the first ionization potential of 43398(3) cm−1 = 5.3807(3) eV was measured.About 1 ng of 255Fm, half life 20.1 h, was prepared at ORNL by milking from 255Es produced in the High Flux Isotope Reactor and shipped to Mai…

research product

Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source - Off-line tests at TRIUMF

Resonance ionization laser ion sources (RILIS) developed into the most powerful tool for radioactive ion beam production at on-line facilities, as they provide a selective ionization process with inherent suppression of unwanted isobaric contaminations at the ion source. While typical tunable laser systems for these applications are based on dye lasers, we developed an all solid state laser system which consists of three pulsed titanium:sapphire (ti:sa) lasers pumped by a single high repetition rate Nd:YAG laser. Each ti:sa laser provides up to 2.5 W average output power at 12 kHz repetition rate in the wavelength region of 700-950 nm with optional frequency doubling in BBO crystals. This l…

research product

Hot-cavity studies for the Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source

International audience; The Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS) has emerged as an important technique in many Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facilities for its reliability, and ability to ionize target elements efficiently and element selectively. GISELE is an off-line RILIS test bench to study the implementation of an on-line laser ion source at the GANIL separator facility. The aim of this project is to determine the best technical solution which combines high selectivity and ionization efficiency with small ion beam emittance and stable long term operation. The ion source geometry was tested in several configurations in order to find a solution with optimal ionization efficiency an…

research product

First laser ions at an off-line mass separator of the ISAC facility at TRIUMF

For efficient and in particular for selective production of radioactive ion beams at on-line mass separator facilities the technique of resonance ionization laser ion sources (RILIS) has become the most powerful tool. In facilities like ISOLDE at CERN they nowadays represent the most commonly used type of ion source for rare short-lived isotopes, delivering highest suppression of isobaric contaminations. For a first off-line demonstration preparing the development and installation of such a laser ion source at the new ISAC facility at TRIUMF in Vancouver (Canada), an all solid state laser system developed at the University of Mainz (Germany), was transferred and tested there at an off-line …

research product

Optimization of a hot-cavity type resonant ionization laser ion source

TuePS05; International audience; Resonant Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS) is nowadays an important technique in many RadioactiveIon Beam (RIB) facilities for its reliability and ability to ionize efficiently and element selectively.Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds (GANIL) Ion Source using Electron Laser Excitation(GISELE) is an off-line test bench for RILIS developed to study a fully operational resonant laserion source at GANIL facility. The ion source body has been designed as a modular system toinvestigate different experimental approaches by varying the design parameters, to develop the futureon-line laser ion source. The aim of this project is to determine the best technic…

research product

Testing microscopically derived descriptions of nuclear collectivity: Coulomb excitation of Mg-22

Many-body nuclear theory utilizing microscopic or chiral potentials has developed to the point that collectivity might be dealt with in an {\it ab initio} framework without the use of effective charges; for example with the proper evolution of operators, or alternatively, through the use of an appropriate and manageable subset of particle-hole excitations. We present a precise determination of $E2$ strength in $^{22}$Mg and its mirror $^{22}$Ne by Coulomb excitation, allowing for rigorous comparisons with theory. No-core symplectic shell-model calculations were performed and agree with the new $B(E2)$ values while in-medium similarity-renormalization-group calculations consistently underpre…

research product

Isotope-shift measurements of stable and short-lived lithium isotopes for nuclear-charge-radii determination

Changes in the mean-square nuclear charge radii along the lithium isotopic chain were determined using a combination of precise isotope shift measurements and theoretical atomic structure calculations. Nuclear charge radii of light elements are of high interest due to the appearance of the nuclear halo phenomenon in this region of the nuclear chart. During the past years we have developed a new laser spectroscopic approach to determine the charge radii of lithium isotopes which combines high sensitivity, speed, and accuracy to measure the extremely small field shift of an 8 ms lifetime isotope with production rates on the order of only 10,000 atoms/s. The method was applied to all bound iso…

research product

Resonance laser ionization spectroscopy of tellurium

Abstract Resonance ionization schemes for tellurium are investigated with a resonance ionization laser ion source and Ti:Sapphire lasers for fundamental research applications. We present the first three-step resonance ionization spectra of atomic Te. Several autoionizing Rydberg series converging to the first excited state of Te+ are observed and assigned to 5p3 (2Do3/2) ns and nd configurations. Our results include confirmation and significant expansion of the Rydberg series previously reported as well as observation of three new series. From the series convergence limits the ionization potential of tellurium is revised to be 72,669.006(42)stat(20)sys cm−1.

research product

Ion production from solid state laser ion sources.

Laser ion sources based on resonant excitation and ionization of atoms are well-established tools for selective and efficient production of radioactive ion beams. Recent developments are focused on the use of the state-of-the-art all solid-state laser systems. To date, 35 elements of the periodic table are available from laser ion sources based on tunable Ti:sapphire lasers. Recent progress in this field regarding the establishment of suitable optical excitation schemes for Ti:sapphire lasers are reported.

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