Anne Jørstad Antonsen

Experiences of Patients With Breast Cancer of Participating in a Lifestyle Intervention Study While Receiving Adjuvant Chemotherapy

Background Lifestyle interventions are suggested to reduce the symptom burden and comorbidities in patients with breast cancer and as an empowerment tool. However, undergoing chemotherapy is associated with low compliance to lifestyle recommendations. Importantly, few studies have documented the experiences of patients with breast cancer of participating in a comprehensive lifestyle intervention study while undergoing curative chemotherapy. Objective The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of patients with breast cancer of participating in an individualized comprehensive lifestyle intervention study focusing on diet, physical activity, mental stress management, and smoking cess…

research product

Cancer Patients' Long-term Experiences of Participating in a Comprehensive Lifestyle Intervention Study While Receiving Chemotherapy.

Background Lifestyle interventions seem promising with regard to cancer patients' potential for physical and psychological health benefits and as an empowerment tool. Nevertheless, there is a lack of knowledge concerning cancer patients' longer-term experiences of participating in comprehensive lifestyle interventions. Objective The aim of this study was to explore cancer patients' long-term experiences of participating in a 12-month individualized comprehensive lifestyle intervention study focusing on physical activity, diet, smoking cessation, and stress management while receiving curative or palliative chemotherapy. Methods A qualitative design with semistructured interviews of 7 curativ…

research product

"Jeg har så lyst til å klare det" : kurative brystkreftpasienters erfaringer med å delta i livsstilsintervensjoner parallelt med kjemoterapi

Masteroppgave i helsefag ME 518 Universitetet i Agder 2014 Background: Annually, more than 3000 women are affected by breast cancer in Norway.Lifestyle interventions indicate to be adequate in comparison to stress reduction and mentalwellbeing. Changes in to a more healthy diet, smoking cessation and physical activity seem togive less symptoms and side effects of the chemotherapy. In some studies it is indicated thatincreased survival could be a consequence of lifestyle changes in breast cancer patients.Purpose and research issues: The purpose of this study is to explore how curative breastcancer patients experience participation in lifestyle intervention in parallel withchemotherapy. Resea…

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