Cucumispora dikerogammari n. gen. (Fungi: Microsporidia) infecting the invasive amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus: a potential emerging disease in European rivers.
SUMMARYDikerogammarus villosusis an invasive amphipod that recently colonized the main rivers of Central and Western Europe. Two frequent microsporidian parasites were previously detected in this species, but their taxonomic status was unclear. Here we present ultrastructural and molecular data indicating that these two parasites are in fact a single microsporidian species. This parasite shares numerous characteristics ofNosemaspp. It forms elongate spores (cucumiform), developing in direct contact with host cell cytoplasm; all developmental stages are diplokaryotic and the life cycle is monomorphic with disporoblastic sporogony. Initially this parasite was described asNosema dikerogammariO…