The jets and disc of SS 433 at super-Eddington luminosities
We examine the jets and the disc of SS 433 at super-Eddington luminosities with 600 times Eddington critical accretion rate by time-dependent two-dimensional radiation hydrodynamical calculations, assuming alpha-model for the viscosity. One-dimensional supercritical accretion disc models with mass loss or advection are used as the initial configurations of the disc. As a result, from the initial advective disc models with alpha =0.001 and 0.1, we obtain the total luminosities 2.5x10^{40} and 2.0x10^{40} erg/s. The total mass-outflow rates are 4x10^{-5} and 10^{-4} solar-mass/yr and the rates of the relativistic axial outflows in a small half opening angle of 1 degree are about 10^{-6} solar…