Pasi Ylä-oijala
Shape Sensitivity Analysis and Gradient-Based Optimization of Large Structures Using MLFMA
A fast method for computing the action of shape-differentiated electric field integral equation (EFIE) system matrix to a vector is derived exploiting the multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA). The proposed method is used in conjunction with the adjoint-variable method (AVM) to compute the shape gradient of arbitrary objective functions depending on shape of a metallic scatterer. The method is demonstrated numerically by optimizing the shape of a parabolic reflector illuminated with a half-wave dipole.
Gradient-based shape optimisation of ultra-wideband antennas parameterised using splines
Methodology enabling the gradient-based optimisation of antennas parameterised using B-splines is presented. Use of the spline parametrisation allows us to obtain versatile new shapes, whereas the geometry can be represented with a small set of design variables. Moreover, good control over admissible geometries is retained. Advantages of gradient-based optimisation methods are quick convergence, and the fact that the obtained design can be guaranteed to be a local optimum. Focus of this study is to present techniques that enable the computation of exact gradients of the discrete problem, even though the complexity of the geometries does not permit establishing analytical expressions for the…
Electromagnetic Sensitivity Analysis and Shape Optimization Using Method of Moments and Automatic Differentiation
Sensitivity analysis is an important part of gradient-based optimization of electromagnetic devices. We demonstrate how sensitivity analysis can be incorporated into an existing in-house method of moments solver with a relatively small amount of labor by using a technique called automatic differentiation (AD). This approach enables us to obtain (geometrical) sensitivities of the discrete solution with accuracy up to numerical precision. We compare the assembly time and memory usage of the modified and original solvers. Moreover, we optimize the shape of a dipole antenna and the dimensions of a Yagi-Uda array using the presented AD technique, traditional response level finite difference sens…