Katja Rinta-antila


Educational and family-related determinants of organized sports participation patterns from adolescence to emerging adulthood : A four-year follow-up study

This study aimed to identify organized sports participation patterns and their prevalence from adolescence to emerging adulthood, and the educational and family-related determinants of the patterns. Adolescents in the Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club (FHPSC) study answered a health behaviour questionnaire and reported on sports club participation at ages 15 and 19 (N = 609). In emerging adulthood, dropouts (total 41.05%; females 43.72%; males 36.56%), maintainers (30.87; 26.44; 38.33), nonparticipants (27.59; 29.32; 24.67), and joiners (0.49; 0.52; 0.44) (p =.024) were identified. A mixed multinomial logistic regression analysis showed, that male gender, as compared to female gender, in…

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Does goal orientation relate to changes in sports club participation from adolescence to early adulthood?

Background Sports club participation begins to decrease in adolescence. There is a lack of knowledge, how sports club participation changes from adolescence to early adulthood in Finland, and how goal orientation influences on it. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine if goal orientation is associated to changes in sports club participation during afore mentioned critical years. Methods The study design is longitudinal. A sample of 366 (140 boys, 226 girls) adolescents were followed from age 15 (year 2014) to age 19 (year 2018). Sports club participation (yes/no) and goal orientation (no competitive goal, sports for hobby or physical development/regional, national or international …

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Nuorten liikuntakäyttäytyminen Suomessa : LIITU-tutkimuksen tuloksia 2020

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How do sports clubs contribute to health? From theory to interventions

The symposium presents last findings on health promotion interventions in sports clubs. After a short introduction about the health promoting sports clubs (HPSC), five presentations (France, Sweden, Ireland, Finland and Netherlands) will reflect upon how sports clubs can be health promoting: in theory, from youth perspectives, by increasing physical activity level as outcome or enhancing sustainability of interventions, before opening the discussion with academic experts. Presentation 1 describes an iterative international process, implicating three groups (French sport students, French and Swedish experts) to create an intervention theory, based on the HPSC model. Presentation 2 focuses on…

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