Daniela Foligno
Development of a Reference Database for Beta-Delayed Neutron Emission
Beta-delayed neutron emission is important for nuclear structure and astrophysics as well as for reactor applications. Significant advances in nuclear experimental techniques in the past two decades have led to a wealth of new measurements that remain to be incorporated in the databases. We report on a coordinated effort to compile and evaluate all the available beta-delayed neutron emission data. The different measurement techniques have been assessed and the data have been compared with semi-microscopic and microscopic-macroscopic models. The new microscopic database has been tested against aggregate total delayed neutron yields, time-dependent group parameters in 6-and 8-group re-present…
A new reference database for beta-delayed neutrons
International audience; A new database containing all available experimental and evaluated β-delayed neutron data is presented in this paper. The database is the product of an international effort coordinated by the International Atomic Energy Agency. It comprises a microscopic section including all available experimental data on beta-decay half-lives, β-delayed neutron emission probabilities and spectra, as well as new systematics and global theoretical calculations for comparison. The beta-delayed neutron data for individual precursors have been benchmarked against available data on macroscopic properties such as total delayed-neutron yields and spectra, delayed-neutron decay curves and t…