Eero Hulkko

Chemically Selective Imaging of Individual Bonds through Scanning Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy: Disulfide Bridges Linking Gold Nanoclusters

As proof-of-principle of chemically selective, spatially resolved imaging of individual bonds, we carry out electron energy-loss spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscopy instrument on atomically precise, thiolate-coated gold nanoclusters linked with 5,5'-bis(mercaptomethyl)-2,2'-bipyridine dithiol ligands. The images allow the identification of bridging disulfide bonds (R-S-S-R) between clusters, and X-ray photoelectron spectra support the finding.

research product

Covalent and non-covalent coupling of a Au102 nanocluster with a fluorophore: energy transfer, quenching and intracellular pH sensing

Interactions between an atomically precise gold nanocluster Au102(p-MBA)44 (p-MBA = para mercaptobenzoic acid) and a fluorescent organic dye molecule (KU, azadioxatriangulenium) are studied. In solution, the constituents form spontaneously a weakly bound complex leading to quenching of fluorescence of the KU dye via energy transfer. The KU can be separated from the complex by lowering pH, leading to recovery of fluorescence, which forms a basis for an optical reversible pH sensor. However, the sensor is not a stable entity, which could be delivered inside cells. For this purpose, a covalently bound hybrid is synthesized by linking the KU dye to the ligand layer of the cluster via an ester b…

research product

Dithiol-Induced Oligomerization of Thiol-Protected Gold Nanoclusters

Controlled synthesis of nanostructure oligomers requires detailed understanding of their wet chemistry and the forces driving the polymerization process. In this paper, we report the main factors affecting the reaction yields of a dithiol-induced synthesis of covalently bound nanocluster dimers and oligomers and present a detailed analysis of possible reaction mechanisms. We synthesize the nanocluster oligomers using monodisperse para-mercaptobenzoic acid (p-MBA)-protected gold nanoclusters with a nominal composition of Au∼250(p-MBA)n to minimize ensemble effects on size, shape, and surface structure. Ligand exchange was performed on the nanoclusters with five different dithiol linkers: 5,5…

research product

Rotational coherence imaging and control for CN molecules through time-frequency resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering

Numerical wave packet simulations are performed for studying coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) for CN radicals. Electronic coherence is created by femtosecond laser pulses between the X²Σ and B²Σ states. Due to the large energy separation of vibrational states, the wave packets are superpositions of rotational states only. This allows for a specially detailed inspection of the second- and third-order coherences by a two-dimensional imaging approach. We present the time-frequency domain images to illustrate the intra- and intermolecular interferences, and discuss the procedure to rationally control and experimentally detect the interferograms in solid Xe environment. peerReviewed

research product

Dynamics behind the long-lived coherences of I2 in solid Xe.

The absorption spectrum of I2 in solid Xe shows resolved zero-phonon lines and phonon side bands near the origin of the B←X transition (550-625 nm). The long-lived |B⟩⟨X| coherence in this energy range (T2 = 600 fs on average) emerges as vibrationally unrelaxed fluorescence in resonance Raman (RR) spectra. Upon excitation in the structureless continuum at 532 nm, the oscillatory RR progression exhibits electronic dephasing time of T2 = 150 fs. Two RR progressions with markedly different vibrational coherence on the X-state are observed. The main progression of sharp overtones (T221 ps) is assigned to molecules trapped in double-substitution sites. The minor progression, which shows dephasin…

research product

Nanoscale probing of the supramolecular assembly in a two‐component gel by near‐field infrared spectroscopy

The design of soft biomaterials requires a deep understanding of molecular self-assembly. We introduce here a nanoscale infrared (IR) spectroscopy study of a two-component supramolecular gel to assess the system´s heterogeneity and supramolecular assembly. In contrast to far-field IR spectroscopy, near-field IR spectroscopy revealed differences in the secondary structures of the gelator molecules and non-covalent interactions at three distinct nano-locations of the gel network. A β-sheet arrangement is dominant in single and parallel fibres with a small proportion of an α-helix present, while the molecular assembly derives from strong hydrogen bonding. However, at the crossing point of two …

research product

Covalent and non-covalent coupling of a Au102 nanocluster with a fluorophore : energy transfer, quenching and intracellular pH sensing

Interactions between an atomically precise gold nanocluster Au102(p-MBA)44 (p-MBA = para mercaptobenzoic acid) and a fluorescent organic dye molecule (KU, azadioxatriangulenium) are studied. In solution, the constituents form spontaneously a weakly bound complex leading to quenching of fluorescence of the KU dye via energy transfer. The KU can be separated from the complex by lowering pH, leading to recovery of fluorescence, which forms a basis for an optical reversible pH sensor. However, the sensor is not a stable entity, which could be delivered inside cells. For this purpose, a covalently bound hybrid is synthesized by linking the KU dye to the ligand layer of the cluster via an ester b…

research product

Electronic spectroscopy of I2-Xe complexes in solid Krypton

In the present work, we have studied ion-pair states of matrix-isolated I2 with vacuum-UV absorption and UV-vis-NIR emission, where the matrix environment is systematically changed by mixing Kr with Xe, from pure Kr to a more polarizable Xe host. Particular emphasis is put on low doping levels of Xe that yield a binary complex I2–Xe, as verified by coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) measurements. Associated with interaction of I2 with Xe we can observe strong new absorption in vacuum-UV, redshifted 2400 cm−1 from the X → D transition of I2. Observed redshift can be explained by symmetry breaking of ion-pair states within the I2–Xe complex. Systematic Xe doping of Kr matrices shows…

research product

Chemically Selective Imaging of Individual Bonds through Scanning Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy : Disulfide Bridges Linking Gold Nanoclusters

As proof-of-principle of chemically selective, spatially resolved imaging of individual bonds, we carry out electron energy-loss spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscopy instrument on atomically precise, thiolate-coated gold nanoclusters linked with 5,5′-bis(mercaptomethyl)-2,2′-bipyridine dithiol ligands. The images allow the identification of bridging disulfide bonds (R–S–S–R) between clusters, and X-ray photoelectron spectra support the finding. peerReviewed

research product

Electronic spectroscopy of I2–Xe complexes in solid Krypton

In the present work, we have studied ion-pair states of matrix-isolated I(2) with vacuum-UV absorption and UV-vis-NIR emission, where the matrix environment is systematically changed by mixing Kr with Xe, from pure Kr to a more polarizable Xe host. Particular emphasis is put on low doping levels of Xe that yield a binary complex I(2)-Xe, as verified by coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) measurements. Associated with interaction of I(2) with Xe we can observe strong new absorption in vacuum-UV, redshifted 2400 cm(-1) from the X → D transition of I(2). Observed redshift can be explained by symmetry breaking of ion-pair states within the I(2)-Xe complex. Systematic Xe doping of Kr ma…

research product

Covalently linked multimers of gold nanoclusters Au102(p-MBA)44 and Au∼250(p-MBA)n

We present the synthesis, separation, and characterization of covalently-bound multimers of para-mercaptobenzoic acid (p-MBA) protected gold nanoclusters. The multimers were synthesized by performing a ligand-exchange reaction of a pre-characterized Au102(p-MBA)44 nanocluster with biphenyl-4,4′-dithiol (BPDT). The reaction products were separated using gel electrophoresis yielding several distinct bands. The bands were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealing monomer, dimer, and trimer fractions of the nanocluster. TEM analysis of dimers in combination with molecular dynamics simulations suggest that the nanoclusters are covalently bound via a disulfide bridge between BP…

research product

Influence of Fano resonance on SERS enhancement in Fano-plasmonic oligomers

Plasmonic oligomers can provide profound Fano resonance in their scattering responses. The sub-radiant mode of Fano resonance can result in significant near-field enhancement due to its light trapping capability into the so-called hotspots. Appearance of these highly localized hotspots at the excitation and/or Stokes wavelengths of the analytes makes such oligomers promising SERS active substrates. In this work, we numerically and experimentally investigate optical properties of two disk-type gold oligomers, which have different strength and origin of Fano resonance. Raman analysis of rhodamine 6G and adenine with the presence of the fabricated oligomers clearly indicates that an increment …

research product

Covalently linked multimers of gold nanoclusters Au102(p-MBA)44and Au∼250(p-MBA)n

We present the synthesis, separation, and characterization of covalently-bound multimers of para-mercaptobenzoic acid (p-MBA) protected gold nanoclusters. The multimers were synthesized by performing a ligand-exchange reaction of a pre-characterized Au102(p-MBA)44 nanocluster with biphenyl-4,4′-dithiol (BPDT). The reaction products were separated using gel electrophoresis yielding several distinct bands. The bands were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealing monomer, dimer, and trimer fractions of the nanocluster. TEM analysis of dimers in combination with molecular dynamics simulations suggest that the nanoclusters are covalently bound via a disulfide bridge between BP…

research product

Effect of molecular Stokes shift on polariton dynamics

When the enhanced electromagnetic field of a confined light mode interacts with photoactive molecules, the system can be driven into the regime of strong coupling, where new hybrid light-matter states, polaritons, are formed. Polaritons, manifested by the Rabi split in the dispersion, have shown potential for controlling the chemistry of the coupled molecules. Here, we show by angle-resolved steady-state experiments accompanied by multi-scale molecular dynamics simulations that the molecular Stokes shift plays a significant role in the relaxation of polaritons formed by organic molecules embedded in a polymer matrix within metallic Fabry-Pérot cavities. Our results suggest that in the case …

research product

Deterministic Modification of CVD Grown Monolayer MoS2 with Optical Pulses

| openaire: EC/H2020/820423/EU//S2QUIP | openaire: EC/H2020/834742/EU//ATOP Transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers have demonstrated a number of exquisite optical and electrical properties. Here, the authors report the optical modification of topographical and optical properties of monolayer MoS2 with femtosecond pulses under an inert atmosphere. A formation of three-dimensional structures on monolayer MoS2 with tunable height up to ≈20 nm is demonstrated. In contrast to unmodified monolayer MoS2, these optically modified structures show significantly different optical properties, such as lower photoluminescence intensity and longer fluorescence lifetime. The results suggest a novel way…

research product

Iodine−Benzene Complex as a Candidate for a Real-Time Control of a Bimolecular Reaction. Spectroscopic Studies of the Properties of the 1:1 Complex Isolated in Solid Krypton

The properties of the 1:1 iodine-benzene complex isolated in a solid Kr matrix at low temperatures have been studied using UV-vis absorption, FTIR, resonance Raman, and femtosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (fs-CARS). The use of all these techniques on similar samples provides a wide view on the spectroscopic properties of the complex and allows comparison and combination of the results from different methods. The results for the complex cover its structure, the changes in the iodine molecule's vibrational frequencies and electronic absorption spectrum upon complexation, and the dynamics of the complexed I(2) molecule on both ground and excited electronic states. In addition, …

research product

From Monomer to Bulk: Appearance of the Structural Motif of Solid Iodine in Small Clusters

Formation of iodine clusters in a solid krypton matrix was studied using resonance Raman spectroscopy with a 1 cm(-1) resolution. The clusters were produced by annealing of the solid and recognized by appearance of additional spectral transitions. Two distinct regions, red-shifted from the fundamental vibrational wavenumber of the isolated I(2) at 211 cm(-1), were observed in the signal. The intermediate region spans the range 196-208 cm(-1), and the ultimate region consists of two peaks at 181 and 190 cm(-1) nearly identical to crystalline I(2). The experimental results were compared to DFT-D level electronic structure calculations of planar (I(2))(n) clusters (n = 1-7). The dimer, trimer,…

research product

Observation and analysis of Fano-like lineshapes in the Raman spectra of molecules adsorbed at metal interfaces

Surface enhanced Raman spectra from molecules (bipyridyl ethylene) adsorbed on gold dumbells are observed to become increasingly asymmetric (Fano-like) at higher incident light intensity. The electronic temperature (inferred from the anti-Stokes (AS) electronic Raman signal increases at the same time while no vibrational AS scattering is seen. These observations are analyzed by assuming that the molecule-metal coupling contains an intensity dependent contribution (resulting from light-induced charge transfer transitions as well as renormalization of the molecule metal tunneling barrier). We find that interference between vibrational and electronic inelastic scattering routes is possible in …

research product

Orientation-Dependent Handedness of Chiral Plasmons on Nanosphere Dimers: How to Turn a Right Hand into a Left Hand

Optical activity, which is used as a discriminator of chiral enantiomers, is demonstrated to be orientation dependent on individual, and nominally achiral, plasmonic nanosphere dimers. Through measurements of their giant Raman optical activity, we demonstrate that L/R-handed enantiomers can be continuously turned into their R/L-handed mirror images without passing through an achiral state. The primitive uniaxial multipolar response, with demonstrable broken parity and time reversal symmetry, reproduces the observations as resonant Raman scattering on plasmons that carry angular momentum. The analysis underscores that chirality does not have a quantitative continuous measure and recognizes t…

research product

Electronic and vibrational signatures of the Au102p-MBA44 cluster

Optical absorption of a gold nanocluster of 102 Au atoms protected by 44 para-mercaptobenzoic acid (p-MBA) ligands is measured in the range of 0.05-6.2 eV (mid-IR to UV) by a combination of several techniques for purified samples in solid and solution phases. The results are compared to calculations for a model cluster Au(102)(SMe)(44) based on the time-dependent density functional theory in the linear-response regime and using the known structure of Au(102)(p-MBA)(44). The measured and calculated molar absorption coefficients in the NIR-vis region are comparable, within a factor of 2, in the absolute scale. Several characteristic features are observed in the absorption in the range of 1.5-…

research product

Seeing a single molecule vibrate through time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering

The vibrations of the chemical bonds of a single molecule are observed by employing time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering. A gold nanoantenna is used to enhance the signal from the molecule.

research product

Fabrication-friendly polarization-sensitive plasmonic grating for optimal surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Plasmonic nanostructures are widely utilized in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) from ultraviolet to near-infrared applications. Periodic nanoplasmonic systems such as plasmonic gratings are of great interest as SERS-active substrates due to their strong polarization dependence and ease of fabrication. In this work, we modelled a silver grating that manifests a subradiant plasmonic resonance as a dip in its reflectivity with significant near-field enhancement only for transverse-magnetic (TM) polarization of light. We investigated the role of its fill factor, commonly defined as a ratio between the width of the grating groove and the grating period, on the SERS enhancement. We des…

research product

Tailoring the interaction between a gold nanocluster and a fluorescent dye by cluster size : creating a toolbox of range-adjustable pH sensors

We present a novel strategy for tailoring the fluorescent azadioxatriangulenium (KU) dye-based pH sensor to the target pH range by regulating the pKa value of the gold nanoclusters. Based on the correlation between the pKa and surface curvature of ligand-protected nanoparticles, the pKa value of the gold nanoclusters was controlled by size. In particular, three different-sized para-mercaptobenzoic acid (p-MBA) protected gold nanoclusters, Au25(p-MBA)18, Au102(p-MBA)44, and Au210–230(p-MBA)70–80 were used as the regulator for the pH range of the KU response. The negatively charged gold nanoclusters enabled the positively charged KU to bind to the surface, forming a complex and quenching the …

research product

Diversity at the nanoscale : laser-oxidation of single-layer graphene affects Fmoc-phenylalanine surface-mediated self-assembly

We report the effects of a laser-oxidized single layer graphene (SLG) surface on the self-assembly of amphiphilic gelator N-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl-L-phenylalanine (Fmoc-Phe) towards an gel–SLG interface. Laser oxidation modulates the levels of hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity on the SLG surface. Atomic force, scanning electron, helium ion and scattering scanning nearfield optical microscopies (AFM, SEM, HIM, s-SNOM) were employed to assess the effects of surface properties on the secondary and tertiary organization of the formed Fmoc-Phe fibres at the SLG–gel interface. S-SNOM shows sheet-like secondary structures on both hydrophobic/hydrophilic areas of SLG and helical or disordered structu…

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Optical Modification of Monolayer MoS 2 : Deterministic Modification of CVD Grown Monolayer MoS 2 with Optical Pulses (Adv. Mater. Interfaces 10/2021)

research product

Impulsive excitation of high vibrational states in I2–Xe complex on the electronic ground state

Abstract High vibrational states, up to ν  = 22, are excited and investigated on the ground electronic state of a 1:1 I 2 –Xe complex isolated in solid Kr using femtosecond CARS technique and spontaneous resonant Raman measurements. The results show that this system is a promising candidate for investigations of coherent control of bimolecular reactions by using vibrational wavepackets on the ground electronic state.

research product

Effect of molecular Stokes shift on polariton dynamics

When the enhanced electromagnetic field of a confined light mode interacts with photoactive molecules, the system can be driven into the regime of strong coupling, where new hybrid light–matter states, polaritons, are formed. Polaritons, manifested by the Rabi split in the dispersion, have shown potential for controlling the chemistry of the coupled molecules. Here, we show by angle-resolved steady-state experiments accompanied by multi-scale molecular dynamics simulations that the molecular Stokes shift plays a significant role in the relaxation of polaritons formed by organic molecules embedded in a polymer matrix within metallic Fabry–Pérot cavities. Our results suggest that in the case …

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Long-Lived Electronic Coherence of Iodine in the Condensed Phase: Sharp Zero-Phonon Lines in the B↔X Absorption and Emission of I2 in Solid Xe

Our study of B←X absorption of molecular iodine (I2) isolated in a low-temperature crystalline xenon has revealed an exceptionally long-lived electronic coherence in condensed phase conditions. The visible absorption spectrum shows prominent vibronic structure in the form of zero-phonon lines (ZPLs) and phonon side bands (PSBs). The resolved spectrum implies weak interaction of the chromophore to the lattice degrees of freedom. The coherence extends past the vibrational period of the excited state molecule, unlike that observed in any condensed phase environment for I2 so far. The ZP transitions from the relaxing B-state populations were resolved in the hot luminescence when the 532 nm lase…

research product

Vibrational characterization of the 1:1 iodine-benzene complex isolated in solid krypton.

The structure and properties of a 1:1 iodine-benzene complex isolated in an inert krypton matrix at low temperature have been studied with infrared and resonance Raman spectroscopy and with MP2 calculations. The structure of the ground-state complex is found to be unsymmetric, and the I-I vibrational frequency is found to be red-shifted by 3.94 cm(-1) upon complexation. The experimental data agree well with computational results, leading to the conclusion that the I2-Bz complex structure is not axial but of above-bond type, identically with other halogen-benzene complexes.

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