Uldis Rubīns

Fotopletizmogrāfisko biosignālu formas analīze un asins dinamikas modelēšana

Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus

research product

Remote photoplethysmography device with adaptive illumination for skin microcirculation assessment

Measuring blood perfusion is important in medical care. However, currently available devices to measure blood perfusion are bulky, expensive and not easy-to-use. In this work a compact and portable low-cost prototype device for remote monitoring of palm skin microcirculation has been developed. Presented device consists of precisely controlled near-infrared illuminators (760nm peak wavelength) and video camera. The device with the custom designed software provides stable uniform illumination of curved skin surfaces, using feedback algorithm. Verification tests of this device showed improvements in the quality of skin blood perfusion maps in the case when the feedback system was used.

research product

Photoplethysmography imaging algorithm for continuous monitoring of regional anesthesia

An efficient photoplethy smography imaging system and advanced algorithm for continuous monitoring of skin microcirculation was developed. The system comprises compact device and computer with software for visualizing of skin blood volume changes. The software is able to process high-resolution microcirculation amplitude maps in real-time. It was tested in clinical environment during the regional anesthesia procedures. The Eulerian-based method showed improved sensitivity and higher resolution of microcirculation maps.

research product

Fotopletizmogrāfisko biosignālu formas analīze un asinsrites dinamikas modelēšana

Darbā pētītas iespējas diagnosticēt asinsvadu stāvokli, veicot fotopletizmogrāfisko biosignālu analīzi atbilstoši hemodinamikas modeļiem. Izveidota eksperimentāla in vitro sistēma vesela, hipertonijas un aterosklerozes stāvokļa simulācijai. Izstrādāta metodika un veikti klīniskie biosignālu mērījumi veseliem cilvēkiem un sirdsasinsvadu slimniekiem ortostatiskā un fiziskā testa laikā. Izstrādāts datu bāzes interfeiss biosignālu digitālai apstrādei. Demonstrēta iespēja aproksimēt biosignālu formu ar četru Gausa funkciju superpozīciju. Katrā sirdsdarbības ciklā noteikts pulsa cikla ilgums, pulsa viļņa izplatīšanās un atstarotā viļņa aizkaves laiki, augmentācijas indekss, refleksijas indekss un…

research product