Francisco Javier Ortega-colomer

Principales oportunidades ambientales en el distrito industrial textil valenciano

El presente artículo analiza las principales oportunidades ambientales que el distrito industrial (DI) textil valenciano va a tener que afrontar en los próximos años. Para ello, se han recogido datos de primera mano a través de un cuestionario realizado tanto a las consultoras ambientales que trabajan en la zona, como a una muestra de empresas que conforman el DI. La información ha sido complementada con entrevistas al empresariado industrial, recogiendo su visión acerca de cómo los asuntos sobre sostenibilidad son abordados en sus organizaciones. Los resultados aportan evidencias acerca de los servicios ambientales ya cubiertos en la zona, como es el caso de la gestión de tramitaciones amb…

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Science and Technology Policies: a tale of political use, misuse and abuse of traditional R&D indicators

6 tables, 2 figures, 18 pages

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Xarxes agroecològiques locals com a resposta social al problema global de l'alimentació: El cas d'Alcoi

En la primera part de l'article, es presenta de manera contextualitzada el panorama desolador de l'alimentació al món. En la segona part, s'explica detalladament la proposta local de creació i posada en marxa d'una xarxa agroecològica a la població d'Alcoi, que ve funcionant des de l'any 2009. Per últim, conclou l'article destacant alguns reptes de futur (no tots, és clar) amb els quals ens trobem no només els membres que formem part de la xarxa agroecològica alcoiana, sinó també la resta de persones que formem la societat.

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The evolution of the local role(s) of the university in a low-tech region

The present case study addresses the case of a geographical area neglected by most of the literature about the changing role of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): the low-tech contexts. This literature has traditionally exhibited two primary aspects. First, a focus on success stories such as entrepreneurial universities located in high-tech regions (e.g. Silicon Valley). Second, it reveals an inclination towards an evolution from ivory towers to entrepreneurial universities. The article argues that this oversimplification does not apply exactly to some environments where the HEIs have maintained links with industry since their inception. The purpose is to demonstrate HEIs' relevance in l…

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Discussing the Concepts of Cluster and Industrial District

The significance and popularity of the cluster and industrial district concepts claim for a deeper reflection. The analysis of one of the European Commission’s (EC) policy documents shows inconsistencies that do not impede the formulation of normative statements. That way we answer the question of why and how cluster ideas have substituted industrial district principles and the consequences derived from that phenomenon.

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Regenerative Medicine as an Emergent Cluster in Tampere Region

[EN]: Clusters are important for regional economies and emergent clusters are in a key position, as a means of adding more diversification to the current economic activity by involving new technologies and industries. Science-based industries may be the most promising in this regard since they are encouraged to develop and enhance the economic imaginaries of territories under the umbrella of radical innovations or in the name of broadening the current economic model based on mostly traditional industries. Regenerative medicine (RM) could be an example of these so-called emergent clusters. Regenerative medicine is highly dependent on academic research, which means that local territories must…

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