P. Jones

Identification of new transitions feeding the high-spin isomers in $^{139}$Nd and $^{140}$Nd nuclei

The population of the high-spin isomers in 139Nd and 140Nd was investigated using the 96Zr(48Ca,xn) reaction and the JUROGAM + RITU + GREAT setup employing the recoil decay tagging technique. Three transitions feeding the 23/2+ isomer in 139Nd and two transitions feeding the 20+ isomer in 140Nd were identified. The newly observed transitions allowed the excitation energy of the isomer to be established in 139Nd and to assign configurations to the states and bands deexcited by the observed transitions in both nuclei. peerReviewed

research product

Backbending in the pear-shaped 223(90)Th nucleus: Evidence of a high-spin octupole to quadrupole shape transition in the actinides

International audience; Relatively neutron-rich thorium isotopes lie at the heart of a nuclear region of nuclei exhibiting octupole correlation effects. The detailed level structure of Th223 has been investigated in measurements of γ radiation following the fusion-evaporation channel of the Pb208(O18,3n)Th223 reaction at 85 MeV beam energy. The level structure has been extended up to spin 49/2, and 33 new γ rays have been added using triple-γ coincidence data. The spins and parities of the newly observed states have been confirmed by angular distribution ratios. In addition to the two known yrast bands based on a K=5/2 configuration, a non-yrast band has been established up to spin 35/2. We…

research product

Production of a 15C radioactive ion beam based on 18O(n, α)

In the context of the SPIRAL2 radioactive beam facility the production rate of the neutron-rich 15C nucleus by 18O(n,α) has been investigated. In a water target of 20 cm3, enriched in 18O and placed behind the neutron converter, a rate of a few 1010 nuclei per second can be reached with 1mA of 40MeV deuterons. A 18O(n,α) cross-section based on the activation method is proposed. It is intermediate between the highest and lowest evaluations available to date. peerReviewed

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A Recoil-Beta Tagging Study of N = Z nucleus [sup 66]As

A Recoil‐Beta Tagging (RBT) experiment was recently performed at the accelerator laboratory at the University of Jyvaskyla in order to identify T = 1 excited states in the medium‐heavy N = Z = 33 nucleus 66As. The fusion‐evaporation reaction 28Si(40Ca,pn)66As was employed at a beam energy of 75 MeV. The experiment was carried out utilising the JUROGAM II γ‐ray spectrometer in conjunction with the gas‐filled recoil separator RITU and the GREAT focal plane spectrometer system. The half‐lives and ordering of the two known isomeric states in 66As have been determined. In addition, several new prompt γ‐ray transitions from excited states both bypassing and decaying to the isomeric states in 66As…

research product

γ decay of excited states in 198Rn identified using correlated radioactive decay

The low-lying level structure of the neutron-deficient isotope 198Rn has been studied for the first time, using the 166Er(36Ar,4n) reaction at a beam energy of 175 MeV. Evaporation residues were selected using an in-flight gas-filled separator, RITU, and implanted at the focal plane into a 16-element position-sensitive, passivated ion-implanted planar silicon detector. Prompt γ rays in 198Rn were observed at the target position using the JUROSPHERE array of 24 Compton-suppressed germanium detectors, and were identified by the subsequent radioactive decay of associated recoiling ions in the silicon detector. Isotopic assignments of the nuclei produced were made on the basis of the energy and…

research product

Characterizing the atomic mass surface beyond the proton drip line via a-decay measurements of the s1/2 ground state of 165Re and the h11/2 isomer in 161Ta

The a-decay chains originating from the s1/2 and h11/2 states in 173Au have been investigated following fusion-evaporation reactions. Four generations of a radioactivities have been correlated with 173Aum leading to a measurement of the a decay of 161Tam. It has been found that the known a decay of 161Ta, which was previously associated with the decay of the ground state, is in fact the decay of an isomeric state. This work also reports on the first observation of prompt g rays feeding the ground state of 173Au. This prompt radiation was used to aid the study of the a-decay chain originating from the s1/2 state in 173Au. Three generations of a decays have been correlated with this state lea…

research product

Shell-Structure and Pairing Interaction in Superheavy Nuclei: Rotational Properties of the Z=104 Nucleus (256)Rf

The rotational band structure of the Z ¼ 104 nucleus 256Rf has been observed up to a tentative spin of 20@ using state-of-the-art -ray spectroscopic techniques. This represents the first such measurement in a superheavy nucleus whose stability is entirely derived from the shell-correction energy. The observed rotational properties are compared to those of neighboring nuclei and it is shown that the kinematic and dynamic moments of inertia are sensitive to the underlying single-particle shell structure and the specific location of high-j orbitals. The moments of inertia therefore provide a sensitive test of shell structure and pairing in superheavy nuclei which is essential to ensure the val…

research product

Coulomb excitation of $^{78}$Kr

Expérience à JYFL cyclotron (Jyväskylä, Finlande); The Kr isotopes are considered to be among the best cases for shape coexistence studies in the mass A$\sim$70 region. Our campaign to investigate in detail the development of the shape coexistence in the neutron deficient Kr isotopes was started with the stable nucleus $^{78}$Kr. To obtain the information about the intrinsic shape, Coulomb excitation experiments were performed. A total of 26 matrix elements were determined for $^{78)$Kr. Simple geometrical and algebraic models do not reproduce all details of the electromagnetic structure. A good interpretation of the complex structure of the nucleus with competing oblate and prolate shapes …

research product

Kr369660 –Low- Z Boundary of the Island of Deformation at N=60

Prompt γ-ray spectroscopy of the neutron-rich $^{96}$Kr, produced in transfer- and fusion-induced fission reactions, has been performed using the combination of the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array and the VAMOS++ spectrometer. A second excited state, assigned to $J^π$ = $4^+$, is observed for the first time, and a previously reported level energy of the first 2+ excited state is confirmed. The measured energy ratio R4/2 = E($4^+$)/E($2^+$) = 2.12(1) indicates that this nucleus does not show a well-developed collectivity contrary to that seen in heavier N = 60 isotones. This new measurement highlights an abrupt transition of the degree of collectivity as a function of the proton number at Z = …

research product

Reinvestigation of the excited states in the proton emitter $^{151}$Lu: particle-hole excitations across the $N=Z=64$ subshell

The excited states of the proton emitter $^{151}$Lu were reinvestigated in a recoil-decay tagging experiment at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyv\"askyl\"a (JYFL). The level scheme built on the ground state of $^{151}$Lu was updated with five new $\gamma$-ray transitions. Large-scale shell model calculations were carried out to interpret the experimental level scheme. It is found that the excitation energies of states above the $27/2^-$ and $23/2^+$ isomeric levels can be sensitive to excitations from $g_{7/2}$ and $d_{5/2}$ to single-particle orbitals above $N=Z=64$.

research product

Spectroscopic factor and proton formation probability for the d3/2 proton emitter 151Lu

The quenching of the experimental spectroscopic factor for proton emission from the short-lived $d_{3/2}$ isomeric state in $^{151m}$Lu was a long-standing problem. In the present work, proton emission from this isomer has been reinvestigated in an experiment at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyv\"{a}skyl\"{a}. The proton-decay energy and half-life of this isomer were measured to be 1295(5) keV and 15.4(8) $\mu$s, respectively, in agreement with another recent study. These new experimental data can resolve the discrepancy in the spectroscopic factor calculated using the spherical WKB approximation. Using the R-matrix approach it is found that the proton formation probabilit…

research product

Identification of a dipole band above the Iπ = 31/2- isomeric state in 189Pb

A dipole band of six transitions built upon a firmly established I π = 31/2− isomeric state has been identified in 189Pb using recoil-isomer tagging. This is the lightest odd-mass Pb nucleus in which a dipole band is known. The dipole nature of the new transitions has been confirmed through angular-intensity arguments. The evolution of the excitation energy and the aligned-angular momentum of the states in the new dipole band are compared with those of dipole bands in heavier, odd-mass lead isotopes. This comparison suggests that the new band in 189Pb is based upon a π[s−2 1/2h9/2i13/2]11− ⊗ ν[i −1 13/2+ ]13/2+ configuration. However, the increased aligned-angular momentum in 189Pb may sugg…

research product

Shape coexistence at the proton drip-line: First identification of excited states in 180Pb

Excited states in the extremely neutron-deficient nucleus, 180Pb, have been identified for the first time using the JUROGAM II array in conjunction with the RITU recoil separator at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyvaskyla. This study lies at the limit of what is presently achievable with in-beam spectroscopy, with an estimated cross-section of only 10 nb for the 92Mo(90Zr,2n)180Pb reaction. A continuation of the trend observed in 182Pb and 184Pb is seen, where the prolate minimum continues to rise beyond the N=104 mid-shell with respect to the spherical ground state. Beyond mean-field calculations are in reasonable correspondence with the trends deduced from experiment.

research product

Characteristics of segmented super clover detector in close geometry decay measurements

Characteristics of the segmented Super Clover germanium detector response in close geometries have been studied. Results obtained with localising hit pattern recognition are compared with results from add-back and individual crystal analysis. The detector has been used at the focal plane of a gas filled recoil separator to detect isomeric gamma-rays from the nuclei produced in the 150Sm(42Ca,4n)188Pb reaction. Coincidence data from the detector was analysed and the level scheme below the 1.2 μ s isomeric state in 188Pb could be deduced. peerReviewed

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GW190412: Observation of a binary-black-hole coalescence with asymmetric masses

LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration: et al.

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Shape coexistence in183Tl

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Reinvestigation of the excited states in the proton emitter 151Lu : Particle-hole excitations across the N=Z=64 subshell

The excited states of the proton emitter 151Lu were reinvestigated in a recoil-decay tagging experiment at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä (JYFL). The level scheme built on the ground state of 151Lu was updated with five new γ -ray transitions. Large-scale shell model calculations were carried out in the model space consisting of the neutron and proton orbitals 0g7/2, 1d5/2, 1d3/2, 2s1/2, and 0h11/2 with the optimized monopole interaction in order to interpret the experimental level scheme of 151Lu. It is found that the excitation energies of states above the 27/2− and 23/2+ isomeric levels in 151Lu can be sensitive to excitations from g7/2 and d5/2 to single-parti…

research product

First observation of excited states in the neutron deficient N = 86 isotones 159Ta and 160W

The γ decays of excited states in the neutron deficient nuclei 159 Ta and 160 W have been identified for the first time. The nuclei of interest were produced in reactions induced by beams of 58 Ni ions at energies of 286 MeV, 291 MeV, and 298 MeV bombarding a 106 Cd target. Prompt γ rays were recorded using the JUROSPHERE spectrometer and were tagged through the subsequent α decays of associated recoil ions measured in a position-sensitive silicon strip detector at the focal plane of the gas-filled separator RITU. Level schemes have been deduced and compared with similar structures observed in neighboring nuclei. peerReviewed

research product

Probing structures of exotic heavy nuclei

The JYFL gas-filled recoil separator RITU, combined with Ge detector arrays, has successfully been employed in Recoil-Decay-Tagging (RDT) experiments in order to probe, for the first time, structures of several very neutron deficient heavy nuclei. In this contribution new data for light even-mass Hg, Pb and Po nuclei are shown and discussed. peerReviewed

research product

Search for fingerprints of tetrahedral symmetry in 156gd

Theoretical predictions suggest the presence of tetrahedral symmetry as an explanation for the vanishing intra-band E2 transitions at the bottom of the odd-spin negative-parity band in 156Gd. The present study reports on experiment performed to address this phenomenon. It allowed to remove certain ambiguouities related to the intra-band E2 transitions in the negative-parity bands, to determine the new inter-band transitions and reduced probability ratios B(E2)/B(E1) and, for the first time, to determine the experimental uncertainties related to the latter observable. peerReviewed

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Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by Fermi and Swift during the LIGO-Virgo Run O3a

Abbott, R., et al. (LIGO and VIRGO Collaboration)

research product

Search for Fingerprints of Tetrahedral Symmetry in $^{156}Gd$

Theoretical predictions suggest the presence of tetrahedral symmetry as an explanation for the vanishing intra-band E2-transitions at the bottom of the odd-spin negative parity band in $^{156}Gd$. The present study reports on experiment performed to address this phenomenon. It allowed to determine the intra-band E2 transitions and branching ratios B(E2)/B(E1) of two of the negative-parity bands in $^{156}Gd$.

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Investigation of 246Fm : in-beam spectroscopy at the limits\u2028

research product

β and γ bands in N = 88, 90, and 92 isotones investigated with a five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian based on covariant density functional theory : Vibrations, shape coexistence, and superdeformation

A comprehensive systematic study is made for the collective β and γ bands in even-even isotopes with neutron numbers N=88 to 92 and proton numbers Z=62(Sm) to 70 (Yb). Data, including excitation energies, B(E0) and B(E2) values, and branching ratios from previously published experiments are collated with new data presented for the first time in this study. The experimental data are compared to calculations using a five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian (5DCH) based on the covariant density functional theory (CDFT). A realistic potential in the quadrupole shape parameters V(β,γ) is determined from potential energy surfaces (PES) calculated using the CDFT. The parameters of the 5DCH are fixe…

research product

Identification of isomeric states in the N=73 neutron-deficient nuclei 132Pr and 130La

Decays from isomeric states in the neutron-deficient N=73 nuclei 132Pr and 130La have been observed for the first time. Half-lives of 486(70) ns and 2.46(4) μs were measured for two isomeric states in 132Pr. The decay from the 486ns (8 -) isomer has been interpreted as a hindered E1 transition from the bandhead state of the excited πh 11/2νg 7/2 configuration. The decay from the 2.5 μs (8 +) isomer is consistent with the Weisskopf estimate for a low-energy E2 transition. An analogous 0.74(3) μs decay from an (8 +) isomer in the neighboring isotone 130La has also been observed which similarly can be explained if the transition has E2 character. The Weisskopf interpretation for the isomer hin…

research product

The effect of rf pulse pattern on bremsstrahlung and ion current time evolution of an ECRIS.

Time-resolved helium ion production and bremsstrahlung emission from JYFL 14 GHz ECRIS is presented with different radio frequency pulse lengths. rf on times are varied from 5 to 50 ms and rf off times from 10 to 1000 ms between different measurement sets. It is observed that the plasma breakdown occurs a few milliseconds after launching the rf power into the plasma chamber, and in the beginning of the rf pulses a preglow transient is seen. During this transient the ion beam currents are increased by several factors compared to a steady state situation. By adjusting the rf pulse separation the maximum ion beam currents can be maintained during the so-called preglow regime while the amount o…

research product